
农学学报 ›› 2012, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (8): 37-43.

所属专题: 玉米

• 土壤肥料 资源环境 生态 • 上一篇    下一篇


王勇 索东让 孙宁科   

  • 收稿日期:2012-03-23 修回日期:2012-05-08 出版日期:2012-08-20 发布日期:2012-08-20

Study on Law of Fertilizer Demand of Seed Production Corn

  • Received:2012-03-23 Revised:2012-05-08 Online:2012-08-20 Published:2012-08-20


针对制种玉米开展需肥规律研究为平衡施肥技术的推广提供理论依据,同时提高制种产量,减少盲目施肥对生态环境的不良影响。在高、中、低3种施肥水平下进行多点田间试验,研究施肥量和产量的关系,使产量潜力得到最大发挥。测定主要生育时期干物质和养分累积进程,研究制种玉米需肥习性和需肥特点。结果表明,足量施肥条件下‘郑单958’和‘沈单16号’的平均种子产量为7744.5 kg/hm2;生产百公斤玉米种子需要N、P2O5、K2O等养分分别为2.653 kg、1.115 kg、3.449 kg;氮磷钾需肥结构为1:0.42:1.30;三叶期、六叶期、拔节期、抽雄期、灌浆期、成熟期干物质累积进程分别为0.11%、4.0%、21.3%、50.4%、94.9%和100%;苗期至拔节时段氮磷钾累积速率分别为43.6%、37.8%、58.3%,拔节至抽雄时段分别为22.1%、27.1%和18.3%,抽雄至灌浆时段分别为26.3%、19.9%和14.5%,灌浆至成熟时段分别为8.0%、15.7%和8.9%。中量施肥水平完全可以满足制种玉米养分需求,超量施肥对提高产量和养分吸收无明显影响,养分吸收峰值在拔节期。因此,在制种玉米施肥技术上要重施基肥,拔节期补施氮钾肥,抽雄期补施氮磷肥,即可满足制种玉米成熟期对养分的需求,同时也能获得较高的籽粒产量。

关键词: 金线鱼, 金线鱼, 鱼皮抗冻蛋白, 多孔变性淀粉, 包埋, 热稳定性


Carried out for seed corn fertilizer law to provide a theoretical basis for the promotion of balanced fertilization technology, and improve seed production, reducing the adverse effects on the ecological environment of the blind fertilization. The characteristic of fertilizer requirement of seed production corn in Hexi Corridor was studied based on the multi-site experiments under high, mid and low fertilizing levels. The results showed that, the average seed yield of ZhengDan958 and ShengDan16 achieved 7744.5 kg/hm2 at sufficient quantities of fertilizer conditions; The demands for N, P2O5 and K2O for production of 100 kg of corn seeds were 2.653 kg, 1.115 kg and 3.449 kg respectively, in a proportion of 1:0.42:1.30. The dry matter accumulation process reached to 0.11%, 4.0%, 21.3%, 50.4%, 94.9% and 100% at the periods of trefoil, hexaphyllous, jointing, tasseling, grain filling and mature stage. The N, P and K accumulation rate were 43.6%, 37.8%, 58.3% during the seedling to jointing stage, 22.1%, 27.1%, 18.3% during the jointing to tasseling stage, 26.3%, 19.9%, 14.5% during the tasseling to grain filling stage, and 8.0%, 15.7%, 8.9% during the grain filling to mature stage respectively. The nutrient absorption peak occurred in the jointing stage. Base fertilizer should be emphasized in seed corn production field, while nitrogen and potassium fertilizers should be top dressed in the jointing stage and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers slightly dressed in the tasseling stage, so as to meet the nutrient demands of the seed production. The results showed that the mid fertilizing level maximized the seed production potential completely, up to 516.3 kg per 666.7 m2, while excessive fertilizer applying had an indistinctive effect on yield.