
农学学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (11): 114-117.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.2014-xb0238

所属专题: 现代农业发展与乡村振兴

• 休闲农业 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 沈阳师范大学旅游管理学院,沈阳师范大学旅游管理学院
  • 收稿日期:2014-03-20 修回日期:2014-03-20 接受日期:2014-04-29 出版日期:2014-12-05 发布日期:2014-12-05
  • 通讯作者: 孙喜娇 E-mail:军师
  • 基金资助:

Development Mode of Leisure Agriculture and Product Innovation Research in Liaoning Province

  • Received:2014-03-20 Revised:2014-03-20 Accepted:2014-04-29 Online:2014-12-05 Published:2014-12-05

摘要: 政府对三农问题的重视以及新型城镇化的提出给休闲农业发展提供了良好的政策机遇,而城市化的快速发展则给休闲农业带来了巨大的市场需求。辽宁省休闲农业资源丰富,但与国内其他地区一样,目前都存在利用模式比较单一、产品品位不够的问题和不足。因此如何把政策和市场需求相融合,充分开发和利用乡村旅游资源,调整和优化农村产业结构,促进城乡统筹是辽宁省遇到的重要问题。笔者从全新的资源观的角度分析了辽宁省休闲农业资源的特点,提出了辽宁省休闲农业发展的4 种模式,并以三农博览园为例提出了产品创新策略。

关键词: 吡虫啉, 吡虫啉, 降解菌, 固体发酵, 条件优化, 小区试验

Abstract: The government attached great importance to the three agricultural issues and new urbanization provided a good policy for the development of leisure agriculture, while the rapid development of city brought a huge market demand to leisure agriculture. Leisure agriculture in Liaoning Province was rich in resources, but the pattern was as single as other regions in China, and there were some problems in product taste. So how to combine the market demands with polities, how to make full use of agricultural resources, how to adjust and optimize the agricultural structure to balance urban and rural development was the important problem. This article analyzed the characteristics of leisure agriculture in Liaoning Province by the source view and put forward four patterns about the development of leisure agriculture.