
农学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (12): 55-61.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas2024-0112

• 畜牧 兽医 水产 • 上一篇    下一篇


王浩宇1(), 康祖嘉1, 于文松2(), 刘峰1()   

  1. 1 中国农业大学烟台研究院,山东烟台 264670
    2 烟台市海洋经济研究院,山东烟台 264003
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-11 修回日期:2024-09-04 出版日期:2024-12-20 发布日期:2024-12-20
  • 通讯作者:
  • 作者简介:

    王浩宇,男,2002年出生,山东威海人,本科,主要从事水产养殖研究。通信地址:264670 山东省烟台市高新区滨海中路2006号 中国农业大学烟台研究院,E-mail:

  • 基金资助:

Effects of Different Salinity Stresses on Physiological Characteristics of Juvenile Sea Intestine (Urechis unicinctus)

WANG Haoyu1(), KANG Zujia1, YU Wensong2(), LIU Feng1()   

  1. 1 Yantai Institute of China Agricultural University, Yantai 264670, Shandong, China
    2 Yantai Institute of Marine Economy, Yantai, 264003, Shandong, China
  • Received:2024-06-11 Revised:2024-09-04 Online:2024-12-20 Published:2024-12-20


本研究旨在探究不同盐度条件下,单环刺螠幼螠的生理调节机制。实验设置15‰、20‰、25‰、30‰、35‰等5个盐度梯度,并在实验开始后0、6、12、18、24、48、72 h采集单环刺螠的血清、肠道匀浆和体壁样本,测定血清中SOD、CAT、ACP活力、肠道脂肪酶活力和体壁肌糖原含量的变化情况。结果显示,盐度胁迫对单环刺螠幼螠的抗氧化能力和非特异性免疫有显著影响。一定程度的盐度刺激可以激活消化酶的活力并加速代谢,给予低盐刺激时消化酶活力上升的速度要慢于高盐刺激,中高盐度组的消化酶与肌糖原达到组内最高值的时间早于低盐度组。但当水体盐度超出单环刺螠的极限耐受盐度范围或胁迫时间过长时,则会对免疫系统和消化酶的活力产生较强的抑制作用,甚至对机体产生严重损伤。相对而言,盐度25‰组各指标随时间和盐度的变化较为稳定,适宜单环刺螠幼螠培育。

关键词: 单环刺螠幼螠, 盐度胁迫, 抗氧化酶, 脂肪酶, 消化酶活力, 肌糖原, 生理调节机制, 非特异性免疫


To investigate the effects of different salinity conditions on physiological indices and analyze the physiological regulation mechanism of Urechis unicinctus Juvenile in the face of salinity stress, the salinity of aquaculture water were maintained at 15‰, 20‰, 25‰, 30‰ and 35‰ in five experimental groups. Serum, intestinal homogenate and body wall samples were collected at 0h, 6h, 12h, 18h, 24h, 48h and 72h and the activities of SOD, CAT, ACP, intestinal lipase and glycogen content were measured. In conclusion, salinity stress has a significant effect on antioxidant capacity and nonspecific immunity of Urechis unicinctus. A certain degree of salinity stimulation can activate the activities of digestive enzymes and accelerate metabolism; the increase rate of digestive enzyme activity under low-salt stimulation is slower than that under high-salt stimulation; the time of digestive enzymes and muscle glycogen reaching the highest value in the medium-high salinity group was earlier than that in the low-salinity group. However, when the salinity of water exceeds the limit tolerance range of Urechis unicinctus or the stress time is too long, the regulatory load of osmotic pressure will increase, which will inhibit the activities of the immune system and digestive enzymes, and even cause severe damage to the body. In contrast, the changes of each index in salinity 25‰ group are relatively stable, which are suitable for Urechis unicinctus cultivation.

Key words: Urechis unicinctus Juvenile, salinity stress, antioxidant enzymes, lipase, digestive enzyme activity, muscle glycogen, physiological regulation mechanism, nonspecific immunity