
农学学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (11): 65-69.

所属专题: 现代农业发展与乡村振兴

• 三农问题研究 农村产业结构 • 上一篇    下一篇


甄若宏 邵明灿 周建涛 刘华周   

  • 收稿日期:2013-04-22 修回日期:2013-08-23 出版日期:2013-11-20 发布日期:2013-11-20
  • 基金资助:

The model of scientific and technology poverty alleviation in agricultural research institute

  • Received:2013-04-22 Revised:2013-08-23 Online:2013-11-20 Published:2013-11-20

摘要: 根据世界银行提出的“1天1美元”的国际通用贫困标准,江苏省已于2011年全面率先消除绝对贫困现象,469.7万贫困人口全部达到或超过绝对贫困标准,从而启动了新一轮扶贫工作。作为实施脱贫攻坚工程实施主力军的农业科研单位,在新形式下如何确定新一轮帮扶对象,探索新的扶贫模式,提出新一轮帮扶措施,从而更有针对性、更高效地助推全省科技扶贫工作?本文结合江苏省农业科学院扶贫案例,解析了科技扶贫的意义、探讨了扶贫的影响因素、提炼了更有针对性、更有成效的扶贫模式,从而给其他科研单位扶贫提供经验参考。

关键词: 矾矿, 矾矿, 废弃地, 自然定居植物

Abstract: Jiangsu has taken the lead to eliminate the absolute poverty in 2011 according to the World Bank's "1-day $ 1" international poverty standards. There are 4.697 million poverty population reaching or exceeding the standards of absolute poverty. So Jiangsu starts the new round of poverty alleviation. As the main unit of poverty relief project, how agricultural research institutes determine poverty alleviation objects, explore poverty alleviation model, provide poverty alleviation measures? As the case of poverty alleviation in Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the article resolves significance, discusses the influence factors, refines the high performance of poverty alleviation. It provides reference experience for other poverty alleviation units.