
农学学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (1): 81-85.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas2023-0251

• 农业工程 农业机械 生物技术 食品科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨涛1(), 杨明登1, 杨亚腾1, 张荣辉1, 赵高坤2(), 孔光辉2, 吴玉萍2, 甘彬2, 张勇刚3   

  1. 1 云南中海路德清洁技术有限公司,昆明 650501
    2 云南省烟草农业科学研究院,昆明 650031
    3 浙江中烟工业有限责任公司,杭州 310001
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-28 修回日期:2024-02-27 出版日期:2025-01-20 发布日期:2025-01-13
  • 通讯作者:
  • 作者简介:

    杨涛,女,1987年出生,云南昭通人,本科,学士,研究方向:烟叶调制设备及工艺研究。通信地址:650501 云南省昆明市呈贡区春漫大道80号 火炬大厦7楼,Tel:0871-67239690,E-mail:

  • 基金资助:
    中国烟草总公司“以遮阴栽培为核心的云南茄衣关键技术研究与应用”(110202201037XJ-08); 云南省烟草公司“以遮阴栽培为核心的云南茄衣关键技术研究与应用”(2023530000241001); 浙江中烟工业有限责任公司“云南雪茄烟叶质量分析及可用性研究”(2023330000340309); 云南省烟草公司“云南雪茄烟叶风格特色评价与定位研究”(2021530000241003)

Design and Verification of Heat Load of Cigar Leaf Drying Room

YANG Tao1(), YANG Mingdeng1, YANG Yateng1, ZHANG Ronghui1, ZHAO Gaokun2(), KONG Guanghui2, WU Yuping2, GAN Bin2, ZHANG Yonggang3   

  1. 1 Yunnan Zhonghai Lutheran Cleaning Technology Co., LTD., Kunming 650501
    2 Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650031
    3 China Tobacco Zhejiang Industrial Company Limited, Hangzhou, 310001
  • Received:2023-10-28 Revised:2024-02-27 Online:2025-01-20 Published:2025-01-13


本研究旨在为满足雪茄烟叶晾制工艺需求,设计出适宜的热负荷,并筛选出合适的晾房容量。通过使用建筑模拟分析软件DEST对晾房围护结构在晾制季的热负荷进行模拟预测,根据预测结果,选配设备的功率,并进行雪茄烟叶晾制验证。结果表明:晾房热负荷为晾房维护结构热损失与晾房排湿热损失之和,总热负荷的最大值为13.39 kW。雪茄烟叶晾制鲜烟叶的单位热负荷平均为13.39 w/kg,此值可用于雪茄晾房装烟量条件下,需配备的热负荷。本研究为雪茄烟叶晾房的建设和拥有自主知识产权产品的开发奠定基础。

关键词: 雪茄, 晾房, 热负荷, 热源, 装烟量


The research aims to design a heat load that meets the requirements of cigar tobacco leaf drying process, screen suitable heat loads for the capacity of the drying room, and lay the foundation for the construction of cigar tobacco leaf drying rooms and the development of products with independent intellectual property rights. Building Simulation Analysis Software (DEST) was used to simulate and predict the thermal load of the enclosure structure of the drying room during the drying season. Based on the predicted results, the corresponding power was selected to verify the cigar and tobacco leaf drying. The validation results of air drying showed that the total heat load of the air drying room was the sum of the heat loss of the maintenance structure of the air drying room and the heat loss of the air drying room's dehumidification. The maximum value of the total heat load was 13.39 kW. The average heat load per kilogram of fresh tobacco leaves is 13.39 w / kg, which can be used for the heat load of cigar drying room under the condition of tobacco loading.

Key words: cigar, air room, heat load, heat source, tobacco loading