
农学学报 ›› 2012, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (6): 21-26.

所属专题: 小麦

• 农艺科学 作物遗传育种 生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


丁耀录 陈殿民 王小梅 杨龙 马黎霞   

  • 收稿日期:2011-11-08 修回日期:2012-01-29 出版日期:2012-06-20 发布日期:2012-06-20

Selection of High and Stable Yield of New Varieties of Introduced Spring Wheat Through Regional Test in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture

  • Received:2011-11-08 Revised:2012-01-29 Online:2012-06-20 Published:2012-06-20


为了筛选适宜于甘南藏族自治州种植的优良春小麦品种,试验通过在甘南州不同自然气候类型和生产水平的5个联合区域试验点对‘高原142’、7059、7060、‘定丰12’、98248、98y003-6、‘临麦30号’等7个新引进的品种进行产量结果直观分析、方差分析、丰产和稳产性(适应性)分析及综合农艺性状分析。结果显示:7个品种产量平均折合产量为3717.45~4686.90 kg/hm2,较对照增加幅度为14.33%~26.08%;由高到低依次为:‘定丰12’ > 7060 > 98248 > 98y003-6 > ‘高原142’ > 7059 > ‘临麦30号’;供试品种间及试点间均存在差异显著性,‘定丰12’较对照产量差异表现达极显著水平;‘定丰12’和7060两个品种主效大,丰产性相对其他参试品种较好,互作方差及相对变异系数也较其他参试品种小,生育期、株高、穗长、穗位数、穗粒重和千粒重等综合农艺性状也表现较好;综合结果显示:‘定丰12’和7060两个品种高产、稳定性好,适宜于甘南州不同区域生态环境,可应用于生产及大面积推广。

关键词: 杭白芍, 杭白芍, 结实性状, 籽油品质


In order to select the fine varieties of spring wheat suitable for the cultivation in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, The regional tests were conducted on the seven introduced new varieties of spring wheat (Gaoyuan142, 7059, 7060, Dingfeng12, 98248, 98y003-6 and Linmai30) by analysis on yield, variance, yield of high and stability(adaptive), comprehensive of Agronomic traits through at five different natural climate points and production levels in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. The results showed that the average yield of the seven varieties was equivalent to 3717.45~4686.90 kg/hm2 compared with the control of Linmai30with the increased range from 14.33% to 26.08%, from high to low as Dingfeng12>7060>98248>98y003-6>Gaoyuan142> 7059>Linmai30. Both varieties and points showed notable difference, the yield of Dingfeng12 reached extremely significant level compared to the control of Linmai30. The main effect of the two varieties of Dingfeng12 and 7060 presented bigger, the yield relative was better and the interaction variance and relative coefficient of variation was also small compared to other varieties. In addition, growth period, plant height, spike length, spike number, grain weight per spike and grain weight of comprehensive agronomic traits have also performed better. All of which mentioned above indicated that the two varieties of Dingfeng12 and 7060 were suitable for different regions with high yield and good stability, which could be used in the production and large area promotion in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.