农学学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (8): 66-69.
所属专题: 烟草种植与生产
• 林学 园艺 园林 食用菌 • 上一篇 下一篇
陈刚 周清明 田云 徐向丽 李朝荣 杨洪美 易克
摘要: 烤烟上部叶可用性差的问题一直是行业内比较关注的热点,其限制了国内卷烟大品牌的发展。通过对影响烤烟上部叶的各种因素进行了综述,认为提高上部叶可用性必须将烤烟生产技术、烘烤调制工艺以及经济政策等各环节系统地结合起来,并且根据每个烟区的生态环境、生产条件、烘烤水平等实际情况制定对应的提高该地区上部叶可用性的解决措施。提高上部叶可用性是中国烟草行业急需解决的问题,期望能为行业同仁提供丰富的理论依据和参考思路。
关键词: 外源物质, 外源物质, Cu毒害, 调节机理
Abstract: The weak usability of upper leaves of flue-cured tobacco is the key problem in the tobacco industry, which limited the development of big cigarette brands in our country. This article had summarized various factors of influencing the flue-cured tobacco, and it was considered that it should reasonably fall together all segments include the flue-cured tobacco production technology, baking technologies, economic policies and so on, for improving the usability of upper leaves of flue-cured. Furthermore, it also should formulate the corresponding countermeasures of every flue-cured tobacco production area on the basis of the environment, plant conditions, baking levels and other realistic conditions. Improving usability of upper leaves of flue-cured tobacco is the urgent problem in the tobacco industry, so it is expected that the article might provide abundant theoretical foundation and references ideas for tobacco industry colleagues.
陈刚 周清明 田云 徐向丽 李朝荣 杨洪美 易克. 浅析如何提高烤烟上部叶可用性[J]. 农学学报, 2014, 4(8): 66-69.
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