
农学学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1): 122-128.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15100005

所属专题: 现代农业发展与乡村振兴

• 三农问题研究 农村产业结构 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
  • 收稿日期:2015-10-10 修回日期:2015-11-21 接受日期:2015-11-25 出版日期:2016-01-29 发布日期:2016-01-29
  • 通讯作者: 周颖 E-mail:zhouying@caas.cn
  • 基金资助:

Development Path of Urban Agricultural Tourism in Old Revolutionary Base Area in Western Henan Province:Taking Lushi County in Henan Province as an Example

  • Received:2015-10-10 Revised:2015-11-21 Accepted:2015-11-25 Online:2016-01-29 Published:2016-01-29

摘要: 为发挥河南省著名革命老区卢氏县的山水资源和特色产业优势,探明都市休闲农业发展模式路径及产品类型,推进卢氏县新型农业现代化进程,文章首先分析了卢氏县发展都市休闲农业的自然资源与区位、人文历史与文化及经济发展与产业基础等三个方面的优势条件。其次,提出休闲农业发展方向,以及建设“洛河流域生态农业休闲观光长廊、杜关河流域越夏有机蔬菜休闲采摘长廊、老鹳河流域原生态产品挖掘展示长廊及淇河流域现代生态农业科普教育长廊”,即“四条长廊”的总体布局。基于此,进一步提炼休闲农业发展的四种模式类型,即休闲观光游、养老度假游、美丽乡村游和红色革命游,并集中规划和设计四种模式的重点建设产业项目,为休闲农业发展指明方向。最后,提出规范土地有序流转、落实惠农政策、发挥科技兴农作用及加强农村环境整治等四点对策建议促进都市休闲农业发展。

关键词: 气候模式, 气候模式, 汛期降水, 气候预测, 多模式集合, 黑龙江省

Abstract: The aim of this study is to give full play to the advantages of natural resources and characteristic industry of Lushi County which is the famous old revolutionary base area in Henan Province, explore the industrial orientation and development mode of urban agricultural tourism and promote the new agricultural modernization of Lushi County. Firstly, the advantages of urban agricultural tourism development in Lushi County were analyzed. These advantages mainly included humanity history and culture, natural resources and geographical conditions and economic and industrial base. Secondly, the development direction of agricultural tourism and the overall layout of constructing“four galleries”including ecological agricultural sightseeing gallery in Luo River Basin, over-summer organic vegetable picking gallery in Duguan River Basin, original ecological product exhibition gallery in Laoguan River Basin and modern ecological agricultural education gallery in Qi River Basin were put forward. Based on this, four development modes of agricultural tourism including leisure sightseeing tourism, vacation tourism using pension, beautiful rural tourism and the red revolution tourism were designed. Finally, four policy suggestions including regulating land circulation, implementing benefit farming policy, playing a role of agricultural science and technology and strengthening rural environment regulation were proposed to promote the development of urban agricultural tourism.