
农学学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (3): 36-40.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas20190500034

所属专题: 水稻

• 农业工程/农业机械/生物技术/食品科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


李云飞1(), 华陈意1, 宗凯1, 孙娟娟1, 盛旋1, 余晓峰1, 王满满1, 陈雨2, 姚剑1()   

  1. 1合肥海关技术中心,合肥 230022
    2安徽省农业科学院植物保护与农产品质量安全研究所,合肥 230031
  • 收稿日期:2019-05-09 修回日期:2019-05-28 出版日期:2021-03-20 发布日期:2021-04-07
  • 通讯作者: 姚剑 E-mail:ahliyf@163.com;msyao@126.com
  • 作者简介:李云飞,男,1983年出生,江苏淮安人,高级农艺师,硕士,主要从事植物检疫工作。通信地址:230022 合肥市屯溪路329号、合肥海关技术中心,Tel:0551-62856388,E-mail: ahliyf@163.com
  • 基金资助:

A Fungus from Rice: Species Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis

Li Yunfei1(), Hua Chenyi1, Zong Kai1, Sun Juanjuan1, Sheng Xuan1, Yu Xiaofeng1, Wang Manman1, Chen Yu2, Yao Jian1()   

  1. 1Technical Center of Hefei Customs, Hefei 230022, Anhui, China
    2Institute of Plant Protection and Agro-Products Safety, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hefei 230031, Anhui, China
  • Received:2019-05-09 Revised:2019-05-28 Online:2021-03-20 Published:2021-04-07
  • Contact: Yao Jian E-mail:ahliyf@163.com;msyao@126.com


真菌病害是制约水稻高产稳产的重要障碍因素之一。为了研究水稻种子中真菌发生情况,对分离自水稻种子中的一株真菌进行系统发育分析及功能评价。在形态学鉴定基础上,以通用引物ITS1/ITS4对目标真菌序列进行PCR扩增、序列对比分析、邻接法(NJ)构建系统发育树。通过菌落培养特征、孢子形态特征观察,分离菌株S-51的形态特征与文献中雪霉叶枯病菌(Microdochium nivale)的描述极为相似;序列比对结果表明,目标真菌与雪霉叶枯病菌(M. nivale)相近,相似率为100%;系统发育树显示,其与雪霉叶枯病菌株在同一条分支上,雪霉叶枯病菌M. nivaleM. musae的亲缘关系最近。利用ITS片段开展的序列分析和系统进化树构建,结合形态特征,能够确定分离自水稻种子中的S-51菌株为雪霉叶枯病菌(M. nivale)。

关键词: 水稻种子, 雪霉叶枯病菌, ITS, 分类地位, 物种鉴定


Fungal disease is one of the important obstacles for high and stable yield of rice. In order to study the occurrence of fungi in rice seeds, the phylogenetic analysis and functional evaluation of a fungus isolated from rice seeds were carried out. On the basis of morphological identification, the target fungal sequence was amplified by PCR with ITS1/ITS4, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed by neighbor-joining (NJ) and analyzing the sequence. The morphological characteristics of strain S-51 were very similar to those of Microdochium nivale in the literature, and the sequence alignment showed that the target fungi were similar to M. nivale, and the similarity rate was 100%. M. nivale and M. musae had the closest genetic relationship on the same branch as the strain of snow mold leaf blight. Sequence analysis and phylogenetic tree construction based on ITS fragments and combined with morphological characteristics could identify S-51 strain isolated from rice seeds as M. nivale.

Key words: Rice Seed, Microdochium nivale, ITS, Taxonomic Status, Species Identification
