
农学学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (7): 13-18.

所属专题: 水稻

• 农艺科学 作物遗传育种 生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


赵理 史春余 王新娟   

  • 收稿日期:2013-12-30 修回日期:2014-02-20 出版日期:2014-07-20 发布日期:2014-07-20
  • 基金资助:

Study on The Applying Method of Rice Hull in Rice Organic Cultivation

  • Received:2013-12-30 Revised:2014-02-20 Online:2014-07-20 Published:2014-07-20

摘要: 本试验于2012年以日本水稻品种越光-2(Koshihikari-2)为试验材料进行田间试验,旨在探索以水稻谷壳作硅肥的最佳施入方法、用量以及对水稻生长发育的影响。试验结果证明,适量基施谷壳能抑制水稻前期过旺生长、保持中后期生长稳健、缩短基部节间长度、改善株型、增强抗病抗倒能力、提高分蘖成穗率、增加穗粒数和千粒重,从而提高单产;在插秧前将谷壳做基肥全层施入1kg/m2为最佳施入方法和用量,每666.7 m2产量为414.3kg,比对照CK的374.5kg增产幅度达10.4%,差异达极显著水平。

关键词: 鼓藻科, 鼓藻科, 新月藻属, 宽带鼓藻属, 微星鼓藻属, 鼓藻属, 多刺鼓藻属, 伊犁河

Abstract: In order to find the best applying method, quantity and the effect on the rice growth, the experient of rice hull as silicon fertilizer was done in the field with the Japanese rice variety Koshihikari-2 on the base of the researches of 2011.The result shows that applying rice hull adequately as basal fertilizer can control the growing of earlier period and make the growing of later period steady, shorten the length between the basal joins, improve the plant-type, increase the power of lodging-risistance and disease-risistance and raise its rate of tiller into spike and effect ear grain. By the way of applying 1kg/m2 of rice hull as basal fertilizer before transplanting, the yield is up to 414.3kg/666.7m2 , increased 10.4% comparing with the 374.5kg /666.7m2 of the control . Their grain yield increasing effect were signifficant.