
农学学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (10): 79-83.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15020011

所属专题: 园艺

• 农业工程 农业机械 生物技术 食品科学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 四川省农业科学院植物保护研究所,四川省农业科学院植物保护研究所,四川省农业科学院园艺研究所,四川省农业科学院植物保护研究所,四川省农业科学院植物保护研究所
  • 收稿日期:2015-02-12 修回日期:2015-05-18 接受日期:2015-05-25 出版日期:2015-10-30 发布日期:2015-10-30
  • 通讯作者: 陈晓娟 E-mail:xiaojuan4718@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Control Techniques of Wine Grape Pest in Sichuan Tibetan Areas

陈晓娟,张鸿,刘伟,王剑 and 卢代华   

  • Received:2015-02-12 Revised:2015-05-18 Accepted:2015-05-25 Online:2015-10-30 Published:2015-10-30

摘要: 川西高原酿酒葡萄产业蓬勃发展,但生产上酿酒葡萄有害生物的干扰严重影响了酿酒葡萄产业的健康有序发展。为解决四川藏区酿酒葡萄有害生物的防控问题,经调查初步明确了四川藏区酿酒葡萄有害生物有葡萄钩丝壳菌、霜霉菌、病毒、短须螨、蚜虫、绿盲蝽,葡萄透翅蛾、金龟子、天牛、鸟、马蜂等,并重点调查明确了主要有害生物霜霉菌、葡萄钩丝壳菌、麻雀和马蜂等的发生危害特点,发现生长季果园通风差、湿度高是四川酿酒葡萄霜霉病和白粉病高发的重要原因,提出并应用了以降低葡萄园病原菌基数、提高葡萄园通风透光、适时进行果实套袋、设置糖醋液陷阱为主的农业和物理防治措施,并合理使用石硫合剂、波尔多液、苯醚甲环唑、烯酰吗啉等无机农药和高效低毒化学农药。

关键词: 退耕还林, 退耕还林, 层次分析, 综合效益评价, 陕北, 关中

Abstract: Wine grape industry developed rapidly in Western Sichuan Plateau in recent year, but the wine grape pests occurred seriously and affected the healthy and orderly development of wine grape industry. To control the pests of wine grape in Sichuan, preliminary investigation identified that wine grape pests in Sichuan Tibetan included Plasmopara viticola, Uncinula necator, virus, short- beard mites, aphids,lygus bugs,clearwing moth, scarab beetles, longicorn beetles, bird, wasp, etc.. And the main species were P. viticola, U. necator, sparrows and wasp. Their damage characteristics were investigated. Poor ventilation and high humidity in vineyard was found to be the main cause of high incidence of P. viticola and U. necator. The control techniques such as reducing the number of pathogens in vineyard, increasing the vineyard ventilation and light, bagging, setting sweet and sour liquid trap were proposed and applied. And rational use of pesticides such as stone sulfur mixture, bordeaux mixture, difenoconazole azole and dimethomorph were proposed.
