
农学学报 ›› 2012, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4): 29-33.

所属专题: 园艺

• 土壤肥料 资源环境 生态 • 上一篇    下一篇


郝丽娜 盛建东 陈波浪 吴海华   

  • 收稿日期:2011-10-08 修回日期:2011-11-17 出版日期:2012-04-20 发布日期:2012-04-20
  • 基金资助:


Investigation on fertilization situation of Jiashi melon cultivated in open field whit shelves in southern Xinjiang

  • Received:2011-10-08 Revised:2011-11-17 Online:2012-04-20 Published:2012-04-20


以南疆全立架立体栽培模式下的伽师瓜为研究对象,选取喀什地区9个具有代表性的伽师瓜种植乡镇,采用田间调查与农户座谈的方式,对喀什地区伽师瓜的施肥现状以及产量进行调查分析。结果表明:(1)调查区基肥和追肥均以有机肥为主,化肥为辅。基肥中有机肥施用量为36 t/hm2;化肥施用量为338 kg/hm2。追肥中有机肥施用量为13 t/hm2;化肥施用量为363 kg/hm2。(2)调查区伽师瓜整个生育期的平均氮素养分施用量为296 kg/hm2,磷素养分为410 kg/hm2,钾素养分为278 kg/hm2,其N:P2O5:K2O为1:1.4:0.9。(3)喀什地区伽师瓜产量最高为68 t/hm2,最低为26 t/hm2,平均产量为52 t/hm2,增产潜力有待挖掘,其产量不是随着施肥量的增加而增大。农户有施用有机肥的优良传统,但普遍存在偏施磷肥、不重视钾肥以及微量营养元素肥的现象,平衡施肥的观念淡薄;调查区的施肥量差异大,没有统一合理的施肥标准。

关键词: 连作障碍, 连作障碍, 化感作用, 丛枝菌根真菌, 次级代谢产物, 信号物质


In order to evaluating the current fertilization regime of Jiashi melon in Kashi region, taken the Jiashi melon cultivated in open field whit shelves in southern Xinjiang as the objects of study and selected nine towns that have typical of planting Jiashi melon, sampling and discussions with farmers on field and nutrients management on Jiashi melon were conducted in the major production area in Kashi region. The results showed that: (1) the base fertilizer and top application of Jiashi melon were composed mainly farmyard manure and supplemented some chemical fertilizer. The farmyard manure of base fertilizer was 36 t/hm2 and the chemical fertilizer was 338 kg/hm2. The farmyard manure of top application was 13 t/hm2 and the chemical fertilizer was 363 kg/hm2. (2) The average application rate of fertilizer in Kashi region was 296 N kg/hm2, 410 P kg/hm2 and 278 K kg/hm2 in whole growth stages of Jiashi melon. Ratio of N:P2O5:K2O was 1:1.4:0.9. (3) The results showed that the highest yield of Jiashi melon was 68 t/hm2 and the lowest yield 26 t/hm2 in Kashi region; the average yield of Jiashi melon was 52 t/hm2. Overall, there was a large space for improvement in Jiashi melon yield. The yield of Jiashi melon didn’t increased with the increase of fertilizer amount. The farmers had good tradition of applying farmyard manure. The phenomenon was existed that the farmer emphasized phosphorus (P2O5) fertilizer and ignored the potassium fertilizer and micronutrient fertilizer. So the farmers paid a little attention to balanced fertilization; there was great difference of fertilizer amount among the regions, there had no unified and reasonable fertilizer standard.