
农学学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (8): 118-124.

所属专题: 现代农业发展与乡村振兴

• 三农问题研究 农村产业结构 • 上一篇    


边全乐 杨韵龙   

  • 收稿日期:2014-07-02 修回日期:2014-07-08 出版日期:2014-08-20 发布日期:2014-08-20

Discuss on Construction of the Third-party Assessment System of Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements in China under New Situation

  • Received:2014-07-02 Revised:2014-07-08 Online:2014-08-20 Published:2014-08-20

摘要: 科技成果第三方评价是指具备评价资质和业务能力、能独立有偿提供评价服务的社会中介组织,依据相关法规规章、评价程序和评价标准,从科学性、创造性以及产业化前景等方面,对科技成果的水平或价值进行的综合评判。当前,中国农业科技成果评价还存在成果鉴定与第三方评价并存、以市场交易和产业化为目的评价较少、第三方评价报告的法律效力尚不明确、分类评价的指标体系还不健全、咨询专家的评价水平有待提高等问题。经过科技部5年试点,科技成果第三方评价工作已积累大量经验,构建农业科技成果第三方评价制度的政策环境日趋成熟,建议从加强行业管理、实行分类评价、进行评价机构资质认定、从业人员资格准入、建立社会监督机制等5个方面全面构建中国农业科技成果第三方评价制度。

关键词: 茶叶, 茶叶, 农药残留, 文献计量

Abstract: The third-party assessment of science and technology achievements refers to a kind of payment evaluating activities which are completed independently by some special social institutions with evaluation qualifications and ability, the level and value of the achievements are evaluated by the aspects of scientificalness, creativeness and industrialization prospect according to the relevant regulations, procedures and standards. At present, there are still some problems on the evaluation of the agricultural science and technology achievements in China, for example, achievements appraisal and the third-party assessment coexist, the evaluation which promote the trade and industry is less, the legal effect of the third-party assessment report is not clear, the classified index system is not perfect and the evaluation level of the expert need to improve. After 5 years pilot work of the third-party assessment by the ministry of science and technology, plenty of experience has accumulated, the policy environment in which constructing the third-party assessment system of agricultural science and technology achievements is maturing gradually, and we put forward following 5 suggestions about the industry management, classified evaluation, evaluation agency qualification, qualification admittance of the jobholder and social supervision mechanism on constructing the third-party assessment system of agricultural science and technology achievements in China.