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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2010, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 0-0.


Analysis of food security status and studies on the countermeasures in Liaoning

GUO Fan-Shun   

  • Received:2010-01-29 Revised:2010-03-03 Online:2010-03-10 Published:2010-03-10

Abstract: Abstract:【Objective】This paper was to study the food security of Liaoning and raised the strategy of plant structure adjustment. 【Method】This test used systems analysis method to linear programming agroecological economic system in Liaoning.【Results】 The results were: reduce the planting acreage of commonly corn, propriety rise the planting acreage of appropriative corn, the planting acreage of corn is about 18000000 per unit of area; stabilization the planting acreage of paddy at about 8000000 per unit of area; unsuitability to expand the produce paddy in cosmically; increase some high economic benefit crops and other crops while not release foodstuff produce. Precedence develop oil plants at stress, increase the planting acreage of earthnut, rise the planting acreage of high oil soybean to about 2000000 per unit of area.【Conclusion】The planning results was based to adjust the plant structure.