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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2010, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 0-0.

Special Issue: 现代农业发展与乡村振兴


The study of Construction in multi-led new rural technology support system


  • Received:2010-01-29 Revised:2010-03-03 Online:2010-03-10 Published:2010-03-10

Abstract: The construction of new rural science and technology support system is a multi-led process, which build need the government to lead, the market-oriented, pluralistic and participatory. Analysis of new countryside and technology support system of the basic types of rural science and technology support system to propose new ways and principles of multi-building, from the rural science and technology demonstration and extension system, innovation system, service system, investment and financing system perspective of diversity-oriented scientific and technological support new rural areas system functional constructions.