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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2010, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (7): 0-0.

Special Issue: 畜牧兽医 水稻 农业生态


Discuss on the ecological effect of Rice-Azolla-Duck ecosystem


  • Received:2010-03-29 Revised:2010-06-25 Online:2010-07-10 Published:2010-07-10

Abstract: Rice-Azolla-Duck ecosystem is a intergrowth and ecology environment and organic high effect growth mode that paddy field growth azolla and duck. It also is a ecotype agriculture cleanness production mode for organic rice production with water fowl. The mostly ecology effect of Rice-Azolla-Duck ecosystem: First, restrain paddy field weed growth and harm, the control efficiency more than 95%,the broad-leaved weed had the best control, the dicots and monocots weed had effective control. The second is to suppress pest base, reduce the occurrence of pests and hazards, the plant hopper pest had effective control. Third, control of rice diseases, in particular, the effective control of rice sheath blight. Fourth, improve the soil, the number of soil nutrient pool have different degrees of increase, soil structure had effective improvement, soil environment conditions are significantly improved, rice is conducive to the absorption of nutrients. Fifth, stimulus effective, in the rice-duck interact effective, it is duck's activities to stimulate the growth of rice.