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  • Thesis Plagiarism Self-Check

    In accordance with the national requirements for journal quality management, to strengthen the prevention of academic misconduct risks and improve the standards of the academic misconduct system, "Journal of Agronomy" has initiated the use of CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) and Wanfang plagiarism detection systems. The acceptance criteria require that the article's plagiarism rate does not exceed 20%. The journal will conduct a plagiarism check on all submitted manuscripts. Authors are also encouraged to perform a self-check of their papers for plagiarism using authoritative databases such as Wanfang before submission.
    Currently, Wanfang Company provides detection services for individual users. To facilitate authors' self-checking and prevent the leakage of papers and results through unsafe channels, authors can voluntarily use the Wanfang detection system on this site for a preliminary plagiarism check. The link to the detection system is: https://nxxbwanfang.mimengdata.com
    Please note that the Wanfang detection system's preliminary plagiarism check is provided by a third party. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the detection service provider (QQ: 800856851).

    2022-03-28 Visited: 2581