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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2015, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 1-4.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.2014-xb0887

Special Issue: 水稻

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The Impact of the Different Densities of Transplants on Rice Yield and Yield Components


  • Received:2014-09-04 Revised:2014-10-24 Accepted:2014-11-06 Online:2015-05-06 Published:2015-05-06

Abstract: In order to research the impact of the different densities of transplants on rice yield and yield components, and proposed the best densities of transplants, Kongyu131 was taken as experimental material in this test, employed two factors randomized blocks design, studied the impact of the different densities of transplants on rice yield and yield components. The result showed that the treatment of row spacing 10 cm and 3 plants in a bunch had the highest yield, was 10353.26 kg/hm2. It was significantly higher than the treatment of row spacing 16 cm and 2 plants in a bunch, and it increased the setting percentage and the thousand grain weight firstly, then it caused the output increasement. There was a significant positive correlation between the yield and 1000-grain weight (r=0.5), and the yield had a less positive correlation with the setting percentage, and the yield had a negative correlation with the grains per bunch and ears of plant, there was a highly significant negative correlation between the setting percentage and the grains per bunch, and the grains per bunch had a highly significant positive correlation with the grains per bunch, r=0.73. Under this experiment condition, the treatment of row spacing 10cm and 3 plants in a bunch was the best densities of transplants, it was an ideal density to achieve high yield of rice.