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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2015, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 10-15.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.2014-xb0964

Special Issue: 玉米

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Comparative test of fresh eating Maize planting variety in Yanqing County


  • Received:2014-09-30 Revised:2015-01-19 Accepted:2015-01-23 Online:2015-05-06 Published:2015-05-06

Abstract: Abstract: In order to select suitable fresh eating Maize Varieties in Yanqing area, analyzest growing period, economic characters, yield, quality, resistance of 11 fresh eating corn varieties in 2013. The result shows that: the period from seeding to harvest in Waxy maize is 95d to 96d. The period of seeding to harvest in sweet corn is 86d to 90d. Waxy corn "Jingke waxy 569” and sweet corn "Jingke sweet 533" express outstanding. The fresh ear yield of "Jingke waxy 569" is 20700 kg / hm2, commercial ear yield is 17250 kg / hm2. The fresh ear yield of "Jingke sweet 533" is 13400 kg / hm2, yield of 13070 kg / hm2 commercial ear. The resistance and plant type of "Jingke waxy 569" are better than other varieties. The spike type of "Beijing sweet 533" is uniform, neatly arranged, not bald and bright. The comprehensive score of "Jingke waxy 569” and "Beijing sweet 533" are higher than the current conventional planting "Jingke waxy 2000" and "Jingke sweet 183". These two varieties can be used as a substitute planting varieties in the future.