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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2012, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (12): 46-49.

Special Issue: 园艺

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Studies on the Selection of Low-cost Soilless Nursery Substrates for Cucumber


  • Received:2012-10-28 Revised:2012-11-21 Online:2012-12-20 Published:2012-12-20


In order to solve the problems of the lower cost matrix for hole tray seeding,using waste mushroom materials, corn stalk, sawdust, slag, cow muck, perlite, vermiculite, sand, we used for cucumber hole tray seeding according to different combinations and ratio of 10 kinds of composite matrix, the best medium (peat: vermiculite 2:1) was made as CK. After 2 years of research, comprehensive consideration of the various characters, the results of the study showed that the seedling effect of substrates waste mushroom: vermiculite: pearlite=2:1:1, waste mushroom: vermiculite=2:1, corn stalk: vermiculite=1:1, perlite: vermiculite=1:1, peat: vermiculite: waste mushroom=1:1:1 was significantly better than the CK (peat: vermiculite=2:1), which was strong growth, fast dry matter accumulation, good seedling index, firm root of seedling root and the substrate, the low cost substrate, it also can replace CK.