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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2014, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (6): 72-76.

Special Issue: 园艺

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Study on good agricultural practice (GAP) for Dendrobium huoshanense

Jie Ren   

  • Received:2013-10-25 Revised:2013-11-14 Online:2014-06-20 Published:2014-06-20

Abstract: Depended on the instructive rules of good agricultural prcatice (GAP) of Chinese crude drugs, the techniques for standard operating procedure (SOP) of Dendrobium huoshanense were investigated, including cultivars, ecological environment, standard of seedling, seedling quality of tissue culture, domestication of the tissue seedling, culture medium, fertilizer application technology, post-harvest processing, packaging, transporting, recording, etc.. The SOP for Dendrobium huoshanense have been studied and established.