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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2015, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (8): 19-22.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15040012

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Research on the effects of space Mutagenesis on yield and quality of sorghum

白鸿雁,, and   

  • Received:2015-04-16 Revised:2015-07-20 Accepted:2015-07-24 Online:2015-08-27 Published:2015-08-27

Abstract: theSspace mutation breedingSis the use ofSsatellites and spacecraftSreentrySspacecraft,plant seeds,Stissue,Sorgan orSindividual lifeSto theSuniverseSinSspace,SinducedSby various kinds of factors,StheSplant materialSmutations,SafterSbreeding,Scultivation,Sidentification ofSthe groundStest,screening out theSnew varieties of high quality,Shigh yield,ScanSresistanceSgenetic stability.STake theSpractice ofStheS8 satelliteSwere treatedSafter theSsorghum varieties HT-6B,SHT-8BSand the groundScontrol seedsSJinza 22Ssown at the same timeSin test plotsSinSmature period weresorghumSagronomicSand quality andSyield index.SThe resultsSshow that:Sthe main characteristics ofSSorghumSVarietiesSafter mutation treatmentSis theStop soilSand strong,Sgood seedling emergence,SseedlingSgreen or dark green,Svigorous growth;S170cm in plant height,Slodging resistance,Sgood quality,Samong which HT-6BSwasSthe most remarkable effect.