Journal of Agriculture ›› 2020, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (12): 34-37.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas20191000229
Special Issue: 玉米
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Guo Zhihui(), Liu Peng, Guo Lianghai, Cui Huini, Gao Jiansheng, Guo Jianjun, Dong Guohao(
Dong Guohao;
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Guo Zhihui, Liu Peng, Guo Lianghai, Cui Huini, Gao Jiansheng, Guo Jianjun, Dong Guohao. Effects of High Temperature Stress on Summer Maize and Solutions in Huanghuai Region[J]. Journal of Agriculture, 2020, 10(12): 34-37.
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