Journal of Agriculture ›› 2021, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (7): 95-103.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas20191100271
Special Issue: 马铃薯
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Zhu Juli1,2,3(), Li Canhui1,2,3, Zhou Run1, Geng Yan1, Lu Chaoyan1, Tang Wei1,2,3(
), Zhu Shouqing4(
Tang Wei,Zhu Shouqing;;
CLC Number:
Zhu Juli, Li Canhui, Zhou Run, Geng Yan, Lu Chaoyan, Tang Wei, Zhu Shouqing. The Introduction History, Spreading Routes and Influence of Potato in Yunnan[J]. Journal of Agriculture, 2021, 11(7): 95-103.
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