
农学学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (11): 85-91.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.2014-xb0144

• 畜牧 兽医 水产 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 大连海洋大学,大连海洋大学,大连海洋大学,大连海洋大学,大连海洋大学
  • 收稿日期:2014-02-20 修回日期:2014-02-20 接受日期:2014-04-29 出版日期:2014-12-05 发布日期:2014-12-05
  • 通讯作者: 丁君 E-mail:dingyulong1989
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Different Feeding Models and Feeding Ways on Growth, Gonad Development ofthe Sea Urchins (Strongylocentrotus intermedius)

  • Received:2014-02-20 Revised:2014-02-20 Accepted:2014-04-29 Online:2014-12-05 Published:2014-12-05

摘要: 为研究不同饵料模式及投喂方式对中间球海胆(Strongylocentrotus intermedius)生长及性腺发育的影响。采用不同饵料模式(M1:海带、M2:海带+贻贝、M3:南瓜、M4:胡萝卜)和不同投喂方式(RM1:饲喂南瓜75 天后饲喂海带75 天;RM2:饲喂胡萝卜75 天后饲喂海带75 天)两种实验方案,以M1模式为对照组,对中间球海胆生长指标及性腺性状进行测量并分析,实验周期150 天。结果显示:不同饵料模式下,M1(57.84±3.25) mm、(72.58±11.07)g 和M2(56.60±2.66) mm、(69.62±8.94)g 模式的海胆壳径及活体重差异不显著(P>0.05),二者极显著(P<0.01)高于M3(53.10±2.28) mm、(57.31±8.18) g 和M4(50.12±1.70) mm、(50.45±4.27) g 模式;M2模式下雌、雄海胆的性腺指数(31.22±3.31)%、(30.92±2.76)%均极显著(P<0.01)高于其他3 种饵料模式;M2模式下雄海胆的亮橙黄色差ΔE1和亮黄色差ΔE2均显著(P<0.05)优于对照组(M1模式),雌海胆ΔE1、ΔE2则与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05),表明:添加动物性蛋白(M2模式)对促进海胆性腺指数、性腺品质的提升效果显著(P<0.05),但对其生长影响不显著(P>0.05)。不同投喂方式下,RM1(55.46±2.19) mm模式的海胆壳径显著低于对照组(57.84±3.25) mm (P<0.05),活体重(68.63±7.39) g 与对照组(72.58±11.07) g 差异不显著(P>0.05),RM1 和RM2 模式下海胆在75~150 天的壳径增长率(12.55±0.22)%、(12.68±1.78)%和增重率(29.60±4.20)%、(30.53±2.09)%均显著高于对照组(9.79±0.97)%、(19.86±4.86)%(P<0.05);海胆性腺指数在不同性别不同模式间均差异不显著(P>0.05);RM1和RM2模式下海胆的亮橙黄色差ΔE1和亮黄色差ΔE2均差异不显著(P>0.05),二者显著(P<0.05)优于对照组且在性别间表现一致,表明:饲喂南瓜75 天后饲喂海带75 天的投喂方式不会显著(P>0.05)影响海胆活体重的增加,且对海胆性腺指数及性腺品质的提升有一定的促进作用。本研究以期找到提高海胆生长及性腺品质的饵料投喂模式,为海胆工厂化养殖环节中替代饵料及投喂方式的选择提供参考。

关键词: 日照时数, 日照时数, 时空变化, 突变, 影响因子, GIS

Abstract: In order to study the effects of different feeding models and feeding ways on growth, gonad development ofS.intermedius , the growth targets and gonad traits ofS.intermedius were measured and analyzed in the experiment under different feeding models (M1: kelp, M2: kelp mussel, M3: pumpkin, M4: carrot) and different feeding ways (RM1: feed kelp after feeding pumpkin for 75 days, RM2: feed kelp after feeding carrot for 75 days). The results showed that on conditions of the different feeding models, there’s no significant difference between M1(57.84±3.25) mm, (72.58±11.07) g and M2 (56.60±2.66) mm, (69.62±8.94) g on test diameter and weight of sea urchin(P >0.05), both of them were significantly different with M3 (53.10±2.28) mm, (57.31±8.18) g and M4(50.12±1.70) mm, (50.45±4.27) g models (P <0.01); the GI of M2(♀ :31.22±3.31)%, (♂:30.92±2.76)% model was significantly higher than the other three models (P <0.01); the light orange-yellow ΔE1 and lightyellow ΔE 2 of femaleS.intermedius under M2 model were significantly better(P <0.05) than control group(M1 model), which was not significantly different with control group in male S.intermedius (P >0.05). The results suggested that: the bait added with animal protein has obvious promoting effects on the gonad index and the quality of the gonad (P <0.05). On conditions of the different feeding ways, the test diameter of control group (57.84 ± 3.25)mm was significantly higher than RM1 (55.46 ± 2.19) mm model, and there’s no significant difference (P >0.05) between RM1 (68.63±7.39) g model and control group(72.58±11.07)g on weight, the growth rate of diameter (12.55±0.22)%, (12.68±1.78)% and weight (29.60±4.20)%, (30.53±2.09)% under RM1 and RM2 models were significantly higher (P <0.05)than control group (9.79±0.97)%, (19.86±4.86)% during 75 days to 150day. There’s no significant difference (P >0.05)with the GI in different gender and feeding ways. There’s no significant difference in ΔE 1 and ΔE 2 of RM1 and RM2 models (P >0.05), both of them were significantly better (P <0.05) than control group. The results suggested that: the feeding ways of feed kelp after feeding pumpkin for 75days could not significantly affect the weight of sea urchin, but also had obvious promoting effects on the gonad index and the quality of the gonad. This experiment aims to find suitable feeding models and feeding ways which can improve the growth and gonad quality of S. intermedius and provide certain reference for the selections of feeding models and feeding ways in the link of sea urchin cultivation.