
农学学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1): 46-51.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.casb16100024

所属专题: 农业气象

• 土壤肥料 资源环境 生态 • 上一篇    下一篇

西藏高寒草甸气候湿润度的空间分布 及其演变特征


  1. 西藏自治区农牧科学院草业科学研究所
  • 收稿日期:2016-10-09 修回日期:2016-12-15 接受日期:2016-12-19 出版日期:2017-02-06 发布日期:2017-02-06
  • 通讯作者: 杨文才 E-mail:jhgs02@sohu.com
  • 基金资助:
    农业部公益性科研行业(农业)专项“青藏高原羊八井社区天然草地保护与合理利用技术研究与示范”(201203006);西藏自治区科技厅科 技支撑计划“西藏主要气象灾害对农业的影响与数据库建设”。

Spatial Distribution and Evolution of Moisture Index of Alpine Meadow in Tibet


  • Received:2016-10-09 Revised:2016-12-15 Accepted:2016-12-19 Online:2017-02-06 Published:2017-02-06

摘要: 为了深入研究西藏高寒草甸气候湿润度的时空变化规律,根据西藏地区及其周边38个气象观测站1971—2010年的日均平均温度、降水量资料,采用草原湿润度(K)指标,并利用ArcGIS软件分析西藏高寒草甸40年来气候湿润度的时空变化规律。结果表明:(1)西藏高寒草甸平均湿润度呈条带状由东北部和西南部向西藏中部逐渐减小。(2)湿润度变化趋势的区域特征比较明显,昌都市、日喀则市局部区域湿润度指数呈增加趋势,气候趋于湿润化,其他地区湿润度呈减少趋势,气候干旱化趋势明显。(3)湿润度表现为先升高后降低的趋势。西藏高寒草甸湿区面积由1990s占总面积94.61%,到21世纪初减少至83.24%,从另一个侧面说明研究区域气候干旱化趋势显著。(4)湿润度1.2等值线的位置发生了明显的位移,位置向西北方向推进,逐渐向高寒草甸草原和高寒草原入侵。对于西藏高寒草甸分布地区,在未来的气候变化过程中,对气候干旱现象应给予高度重视。

关键词: 鲜食玉米, 鲜食玉米, 胚乳, 突变基因, 分子育种, 研究进展

Abstract: Abstract: To study the spatio-temporal variation laws of moisture index of alpine meadow in Tibet, according to the data on the average daily temperature and precipitation from 38 meteorological stations in Tibet and surroundings in 1971-2010, the authors adopted the moisture index (K) and the ArcGIS software to analyze the spatio-temporal variation laws of moisture index of alpine meadow in Tibet for nearly 40 years. The results showed that: (1) the average moisture index decreased from northeast and southwest to central Tibet, which appeared banded; (2) the variaton trends of moisture index had pronounced regional characteristics, some areas of Changdu and Rikaze had a increasing trend, conversely, other regions had a downward trend and obvious aridification; (3) the moisture index presented a trend with “increase-decrease”, resulted in the area decrease of alpine meadow from 94.61% in 1990s to 83.24% in the beginning of 21st century, this also proved that the aridification was significant in research regions; (4) the location of 1.2 contour of moisture index had a clear displacement, invaded to northeast and into alpine meadow and alpine steppes. The regions where the alpine meadow distributed should pay high attention to the drought phenomenon during the climate changing in the future.
