
农学学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (6): 23-28.

• 植物保护 • 上一篇    下一篇


李达林 汪恩国   

  • 收稿日期:2011-06-10 修回日期:2011-06-27 出版日期:2011-08-15 发布日期:2011-08-15

Modeling and studying of oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel) occurrence and dynamic in citrus orchard

  • Received:2011-06-10 Revised:2011-06-27 Online:2011-08-15 Published:2011-08-15


为了探索柑橘小实蝇入侵扩散与危害规律,提高其监测与防控水平,2008—2010年应用柑橘小实蝇专用性诱剂和诱捕器,在全市19个镇(街道)35个柑橘园建立监测点进行全市性入侵扩散分布普查;在古城伏龙柑橘园和市区水果市场建立2个系统监测点开展全年种群数量消长监测,结果表明柑橘小实蝇种群入侵扩散与时空分布呈塔型趋势,即以城区为中心,并呈向周边区域扩散蔓延趋势;全年种群时序数量变化主要呈单峰型曲线变化,一般于6月中下旬至7月上中旬初见性诱成虫,8月上旬形成增长拐点,9—10月形成数量高峰, 影响种群数量消长的主要因子有种群基数、气候和生境条件等,从而创建柑橘小实蝇基数(m6)与全年种群诱量(M)关系模型M=23.8339 m6+59.8003(n=6, r=0.9735**)、当旬虫口密度(mn)与其前3个月的旬平均气温(tn-9)关系模型mn=1.9248tn-9-14.88063(n=72, r=0.5123**),以及柑橘挂果期成虫诱量(M)、有虫株率(R%)、有虫果率(P%)、每虫果幼虫量(N)等关系模型:R=0.3667M-1.2746(n=11, r=0.8901**);P=0.0581R+0.3112(n=11, r=0.9649**);N=0.6438P+0.9610(n=11, r=0.7000*)。应用柑橘小实蝇种群入侵扩散危害规律及其参数模型,可反映柑橘园柑橘小实蝇发生变化动态,可随旬作出预报和决策防治,这对提高其监测预警和持续控制具有重要指导意义。

关键词: 过氧化氢酶, 过氧化氢酶, 土壤性质, 镉胁迫, 通径分析


In order to explore the regulation of oriental fruit fly invasion, dissemination and damage, and improve monitoring and control techniques, data of the annual population dynamics was collecting by applying specific sex pheromone traps in 35 monitoring points in the citrus orchard all over 19 communities of Linhai county and 2 systemic monitoring points in Fulong citrus orchard, Gucheng, and Linhai fruit market during 2008-2010. The result showed that the temporal and spatial population distribution of oriental fruit fly invasion and dissemination was tower-type in Linhai area, which means the invasion from the center city spreading to the surrounding area. Population dynamics of oriental fruit fly can usually be described by a single peak curve. The first trap of adult insects appears between mid-June and mid-July; with growth inflection point formed in Early-August, and the biggest amount of population appeared between September and October. The main factors affecting the population dynamics are population base, climate and habitat conditions. Oriental fruit fly population base (m6) and the annual trapped population (M) can be described by relational model M=23.8339m6+59.8003(n=6, r=0.9735 **). The relationship between 10days average population density (mn) and 10days average temperature in the latest 3 months (tn-9) is mn=1.9248tn-9-14.88063 (n=72, r=0.5123**). The relation models among trapped population of citrus fruiting period (M), infect rate of plant (R%), infect rate of fruit (P%), amount of larvae per fruit (N) are: R=0.3667M-1.2746 (n=11,r=0.8901**); P=0.0581R+0.3112 (n=11,r=0.9649**); N=0.6438P+0.9610 (n=11,r=0.7000*). These models of oriental fruit fly invasion and dissemination can reflect dynamic changes of oriental fruit fly in citrus orchard and help to make the better forecast and control decision. It is important for improving monitoring and sustainable control.