
农学学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (1): 1-6.

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挖掘农田生态系统功能 促进农业绿色低碳发展——中国农学会农业资源与环境分会2024年学术年会综述


  • 出版日期:2025-01-20 发布日期:2025-01-13
  • 作者简介:


Exploring Functions of Farmland Ecosystems to Promote Green and Low-carbon Development of Agriculture: Summary of 2024 Academic Annual Meeting of Agricultural Resources and Environment Branch of China Association of Agricultural Science Societies

  • Online:2025-01-20 Published:2025-01-13



关键词: 粮食安全, 农田生态系统, 生态环境安全, 农业绿色低碳发展, 土壤固碳技术, 农田污染治理, 农业废弃物循环利用, 土壤污染防治, 农业面源污染防控


Ensuring food and ecological security, and achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals are important strategic choices for China. This article is based on the 2024 academic conference of the Agricultural Resources and Environment Branch of the China Association of Agricultural Science Societies (CAASS). Experts were organized to discuss and exchange countermeasures in the fields of farmland conservation and quality improvement, sustainable utilization of agricultural water and soil resources, synergy between agricultural emission reduction and carbon sequestration and adaptation to climate change, soil pollution prevention and health, non-point source pollution prevention and control, high-value utilization of agricultural waste, and utilization and diversity of biological resources, in order to address the problems and challenges faced by the current improvement of farmland ecosystem functions, including unclear mechanisms and insufficient application basic research, insufficient innovation in soil carbon sequestration technology, and the urgent need to break through theories and technologies obstacles for farmland pollution control and waste recycling. The latest research progress in various fields was summarized, and future key research directions were discussed, in order to better explore the ecological functions of farmland and promote green and low-carbon development of agriculture effectively.

Key words: food security, farmland ecosystem, ecological environment security, green and low-carbon development in agriculture, soil carbon sequestration technology, farmland pollution control, agricultural waste recycling, soil pollution prevention and control, agricultural non-point source pollution prevention and control