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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2016, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1): 7-14.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15060018

Special Issue: 小麦

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Evaluation on the Adaptability of Main Domestic Naked Oat (Avena nuda) Varieties in Bashang Area, North Hebei

赵世锋,曹丽霞,,,,李萌萌 and 郭明   

  • Received:2015-06-17 Revised:2015-07-17 Accepted:2015-07-24 Online:2016-01-29 Published:2016-01-29

Abstract: In order to explicit the adaptabilities of 12 naked oat (Avena nuda) varieties from 6 domestic breeding institutions in the Bashang Area of north Hebei, the adaptability test had been carried out for 3 years. The main characteristics, variation coefficient and variance of grain yield and biomass were analyzed. The results showed that: the biomass of‘Dingyou No.1’,‘Bayou No. 3’and‘Bayou No.1 ’were sensitive to environment, the grain yield of‘Caoyou No.1’,‘Bayou No.1’and‘Jinyan No.14 ’were sensitive to environment, the plant height of‘Bayou No.3’,‘Dingyou No.1’and‘Jinyan No.13 ’were sensitive to environment. The differences of grain yield and biomass of different years were significant, grain yield differences of different varieties were significant, but the differences of biomass of varieties were not significant. The results showed that‘Jinyan No.14’,‘Baiyan No.2’,‘Ningyou No.1’,‘Huazao No.2’,‘Bayou No.1’and‘Baiyan No.11’were suitable for planting as grain varieties,‘Bayou No.3’and‘Jinyan No.13’ were suitable for planting as forage varieties,‘Bayou No.1’,‘Baiyan No.2’,‘Ningyou No.1’and‘Jinyan No.14’were suitable for planting as grain and forage varieties. The early-maturing variety‘Baiyan No.2’, midearly maturing variety‘Jinyan No.14’, mid-maturing variety‘Bayou No.1’and mid-late maturing variety ‘Bayou No.3’were appropriate for growing in Bashang Area of Zhangjiakou.