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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2017, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (3): 63-66.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas16110020

Special Issue: 园艺

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Effect of Walnut Tree Bud Grafting on Canopy Restoration, Trunk Disease Infection and Yield

支虎明,,, and 田艳   

  • Received:2016-11-14 Revised:2016-12-15 Accepted:2016-12-16 Online:2017-03-27 Published:2017-03-27

Abstract: Square budding method is used in non-target species of walnut trees with an aim to explore the number of bud grafting pegs reserved matching walnut tree diameter size, which provides evidence for the operation of bud grafting in production. In the same fertility plots, walnut trees with the same diameter were selected as stock, and the single factor 4 treatments were set up. In the first year, backbone branches were cut. In the second year, square bud grafting was used in new shoots to graft target sprout tuber. From the second year on, the authors surveyed for 3 consecutive years the restoration of diameter of the canopy, the trunk infection and yield per unit area. Finally the appropriate number of stakes and bud grafting peg was obtained. The results showed that the more reserved stakes within certain range and bud grafting pegs, the faster the crown recovery, the lighter the trunk disease, the faster the yield recovery. For the tree with the diameter of 20-25 cm, 16 walnut tree stakes with 40 buds should be reserved. The experiment explores a set of bud grafting technology with high survival rate, fast recovery of canopy and yield, and less trunk diseases, providing references for bud grafting in the production of walnut trees.

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