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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2013, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (6): 39-44.

Special Issue: 马铃薯

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A review on occurrence and biological control of Mononychellus tanajoa


  • Received:2013-04-15 Revised:2013-05-14 Online:2013-06-20 Published:2013-06-20

Abstract: Mononychellus tanajoa is a severe pest, owing to its damage to the growth and yield to the cassava,it has been considered a greater threat to the cassava industry. The paper summarized the propagation,damage mechanisms,influencing factors of the damage to the cassava and generalized the researches of existing of the biological control studies. Finally,further studies of Mononychellus tanajoa on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of cassava,biological control strains infecting mechanism to Mononychellus tanajoa,as well as the relationship with the environment, suitable natural enemies collocation to biological control were put forward.

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