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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2019, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (9): 28-35.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas18040014

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Topography: Influence on Types of Stagnic Anthrosols and Their Diagnostic Features


  • Received:2018-04-12 Revised:2018-09-17 Accepted:2018-09-25 Online:2019-09-16 Published:2019-09-16

Abstract: To understand the effects of topography on the spatial distribution of diagnostic features and soil types of Stagnic Anthrosols and to construct the relationships between landscape and the soil types and related diagnostic horizons and diagnostic characteristics, 254 soil profiles were observed in the river network plain, coastal plain, valley plain, hilly and mountain area, and valley area of Zhejiang province, the relationships between soil types of stagnic Anthrosols, corresponding diagnostic horizons and diagnostic characteristics and topography, elevation, slope and the micro-topography were explored. The results showed that topographic conditions could change the status and migration characteristics of soil moisture, and were the main factors that affected the differentiation of soil types of stagnic Anthrosols, and it played a decisive role in formation of the Fe-accumulated horizon, Fe-leached horizon, and gleyic features of stagnic Anthrosols. The investigation showed that the typical landforms of Fe-accumuli- stagnic Anthrosols were river valley plain, highland of the river network plain, alluvial fan, the hilly slope land, and the junction area of the coastal plain and the river network plain, those of the gleyi stagnic Anthrosols were depression of the river network plain, the center of the land surrounded by lake, transition area of river valley plain and hilly, and mountain ridge, and those of the Fe-leachi-stagnic Anthrosols were slope hilly and highland of flood plain. The occurrence frequency of gleyic fertures decreased with the decreasing groundwater level. The Fe-accumulated horizon mainly occurred in stagnic Anthrosols with 60-120cm underground water level, while the occurrence frequency of Fe-leached horizon increased with the decreasing groundwater level. The depth and thickness of Fe-accumulated horizon were relatively stable in space, and those of gleyi feature and Fe-leached horizon could be changed greatly in space. The spatial variation scale of the related diagnostic layers in the river network plain was larger, and that of the main diagnostic horizon in the river valley plain was smaller. The main diagnostic horizon / diagnostic characteristics in the hilly and mountain region (including the valley) could be mutated in a short distance. It was thought that formation of albic horizon in the stagnic Anthrosols might be related to the geological effect.