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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2011, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (10): 25-30.

Special Issue: 小麦

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Evaluation of Germplasm Resource of Liriope muscari Based on Cluster Analysis


  • Received:2011-09-18 Revised:2011-10-17 Online:2011-12-20 Published:2011-12-20


To appraise and analyze the quality of L. muscar germplasm resources. Cultivated Liriope muscar germplasm were widely collected in genuine medicinal materials production area. All of those main morphological characters and economic traits were investigated. The excellent germplasm with good economic traits were selected based on cluster analysis. 45 germplasm resources of L. muscar were collected. There were significant differences in 9 main morphological characters, including branch number, root number, the single root tuber, the multiple root tuber, leaf length, leaf width, the vien number, the root tuber length, the root tuber diameter. significant differences were also in 3 main economic traits, including yield per plant, polysaccharide content and total saponin content. 45 germplasm resources can be divided into 5 groups. Group IV and V were with excellent comprehensive characters. 3 good germplasm were selected based on widely collected and appraised of L. muscar.

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