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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2013, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (3): 10-12.

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Study on Chemical Control and Optimum Control Period to Soft Rot of Cymbidium


  • Received:2013-01-17 Revised:2013-03-05 Online:2013-03-20 Published:2013-03-20

Abstract: In order to find a new potion and efficient environmental protection against soft rot of Cymbidium, pharmaceutical screening test method to adopt irrigating and spray of Cymbidium soft rot, also conducted a study of the control period. The study results showed: neomycin prevention was better than the other control chemicals. The best control effect before irrigating change a basin. The prevention effect of 10 d and 20 d control effect of 92.1% and 88.6%, the 30 d control effect of 87.1%. Significant differences with other processing compared, Showing neomycin good application prospects in the agriculture, laid a certain foundation developed into a new type of agricultural antibiotic neomycin.