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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2013, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (7): 1-4.

Special Issue: 玉米

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The Experiment of Adaptability for New Maize Variety of ‘Hengxing 401’ in Jiangxi Hilly Dryland


  • Received:2013-04-15 Revised:2013-05-15 Online:2013-07-20 Published:2013-07-20

Abstract: In order to explore the ecological adaptability and feasibility of ‘Hengxing 401’ in Jiangxi hilly dryland, this experiment studied the maize yield and plant characteristics by comparing ‘Hengxing 401’ to the local maize variety. The results showed that ‘Hengxing 401’ was better than the local maize variety in maize yield, plant height, content of chlorophyll and blade number in addition to 100-grain weight. Root dry weight for the local maize variety was significantly higher than ‘Hengxing 401’. It could be seen ‘Hengxing 401’ planted in Jiangxi was able to achieve higher yields and better economic benefits, but lodging resistance was weak. Due to the climate the difference of root had little influence on ‘Hengxing 401’. So the cultivation is suitable to promote in Jiangxi hilly dryland.