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  • 2011 Vol.1 No.6 Published:15 August 2011
    Effect of Water Stress on Drought-resistance Characteristics of Wheat Seedling with Different Fertilizer and Water Types
    2011, 1 (6):  1-7. 
    Abstract + ( 1878 )   PDF ( 1114KB )   ( 1991 )
    The Research Discussed on Effect Increasing Yield of Soybean with Different Ridges Cultivation
    2011, 1 (6):  8-11. 
    Abstract + ( 1983 )   PDF ( 984KB )   ( 1783 )
    The Effect of Different Concentration of Salicylic Acid on the Seed Germination and Physiological Characteristics of Hibiscus syriacus Linn.
    2011, 1 (6):  12-15. 
    Abstract + ( 1857 )   PDF ( 1040KB )   ( 1839 )
    The Study on Biological Characteristics of Bupleurum chinense DC. seeds
    2011, 1 (6):  16-22. 
    Abstract + ( 1884 )   PDF ( 1071KB )   ( 1860 )
    Modeling and studying of oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel) occurrence and dynamic in citrus orchard
    2011, 1 (6):  23-28. 
    Abstract + ( 1705 )   PDF ( 1043KB )   ( 1603 )
    Advances in Ecological Compensation of Facility Agriculture in Tianjin
    2011, 1 (6):  29-35. 
    Abstract + ( 2317 )   PDF ( 1013KB )   ( 1952 )
    The Modified Effects of Trichoderma aureoviride 1010 on Some Soil Environment from the Axial Root of Cherry-tomato
    2011, 1 (6):  36-41. 
    Abstract + ( 1789 )   PDF ( 1069KB )   ( 1742 )
    Study of Enchancing Detection Sensitivity of Microchip Chemiluminescence System
    2011, 1 (6):  42-48. 
    Abstract + ( 1874 )   PDF ( 1438KB )   ( 1833 )
    Research Progress of Equipment Standard for Healthy Aquaculture
    2011, 1 (6):  49-52. 
    Abstract + ( 1761 )   PDF ( 843KB )   ( 1567 )
    A Research of the Songhua River Fish Species Resource from Nenjiang Section to Tongjiang Section
    2011, 1 (6):  53-57. 
    Abstract + ( 1533 )   PDF ( 1021KB )   ( 1858 )
    Practice and Research for Agricultural Newspaper Developing Sci-tech Service
    2011, 1 (6):  58-61. 
    Abstract + ( 1580 )   PDF ( 928KB )   ( 1558 )
    The Study of Pattern Innovation Problems of Pushing the Development of Modern Agriculture in Henan Province
    2011, 1 (6):  62-66. 
    Abstract + ( 1679 )   PDF ( 940KB )   ( 1626 )