
农学学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (9): 17-22.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas18070016

• 农艺科学 生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


游建华1, 梁 阗1, 樊保宁1, 吴凯朝1, 黄日宏2, 谭宏伟3, 廖庆才4   

  1. 1.广西农业科学院甘蔗研究所;2.广西农垦糖业集团柳兴制糖有限公司;3.广西农业科学院;4.广西象州县水晶乡农业技术推广站
  • 收稿日期:2018-07-15 修回日期:2018-10-22 接受日期:2018-10-25 出版日期:2019-09-16 发布日期:2019-09-16
  • 通讯作者: 谭宏伟 E-mail:fh93mp
  • 基金资助:
    广西农业重点科技计划项目“桂辐98-296 种茎直接补种延长主栽品种宿根的研究”(201524);国家糖料产业技术体系“甘蔗宿根栽培岗位” (CARS-170206);国家自然科学基金“甘蔗宿根矮化病罹患病株根际微生物群落结构重建及拮抗菌的鉴定与利用研究”(31760368);国家重大项目“特 色农作物化肥农药减施增效技术集成研究”(2018YFD0201103)。

Research and Benefit Analysis of Directly Replanting Seed Cane in GT42 Ratoon: An Example of Xiangzhou, Guangxi in 2017

  • Received:2018-07-15 Revised:2018-10-22 Accepted:2018-10-25 Online:2019-09-16 Published:2019-09-16

摘要: [目的]研究桂辐98-296(GF98-296)种茎直接补种桂糖42号(GT42)宿根蔗对农艺性状的影响,探讨GF98-296解决甘蔗宿根缺株断垄问题,为推广应用提供科学依据。[方法]试验设计GF98-296种茎直接补种GT42宿根(A)、GT42种茎直接补种于GT42宿根(B)和自然状态GT42宿根(CK)3个处理,在GT42宿根苗期1-4张叶片时期实施补种,并调查各个处理的农艺性状及进行经济效益分析。[结果] A处理产量达到77.93t/hm2,分别比B处理和CK增产14.15t/hm2、19.79 t/ hm2, 增幅分别达22.18%和34.03%,达到极显著差异水平,B处理的产量与CK之间差异不显著;直接补种处理均不影响GT42宿根的发株、成茎、产量和蔗糖分;A处理的GF98-296蔗茎蔗糖分略高于GT42宿根;通过GF98-296种茎直接补种GT42宿根,蔗农增收5506.6元/hm2,制糖企业可增加工业产值14813.2元/hm2。[结论]GF98-296适宜作为GT42宿根的种茎直接补种品种,应对这项新技术进行大面积示范和推广。

关键词: 农业生产, 农业生产, 土壤, 作物, 水分, 氮素营养, 耦合效应, 生长发育, 生理代谢

Abstract: We studied the effects of directly replanting GF98-296 seed cane in GT42 ratoon on agronomic traits of sugarcane, aiming to solve the problem of plant missing in sugarcane ratoon by using GF98-296. Three treatments were designed, which were directly replanting seed cane of GF98-296 in GT42 ratoon (A), directly replanting seed cane of GT42 in GT42 ratoon (B) and natural ratoon of GT42 (CK). Seed cane replanting was carried out in 1-4 leaf stage of GT42 ratoon, the agronomic traits of all treatments were investigated and the economicbenefitswereanalyzedinharveststage.TheresultsshowedthattheyieldofAtreatmentwas 77.93t/hm2, increased by 22.18% and 34.03% respectively compared with 14.15 t/hm2 of B treatment and 19.79 t/hm2 of CK. The difference between the yield of B and CK was not significant. Directly replanting treatment did not affect the growth, effective stem, yield and sucrose content of GT42. The sucrose content of GF98-296 in A treatment was slightly higher than that of GT42. Directly replanting GF98-296 seed cane in GT42 ratoon could increase the income by 5506.6 yuan/hm2 for sugarcane farmers, increase industrial output by 14813.2 yuan/hm2 for sugar enterprise. GF98-296 is suitable for directly replanting in GT42 ratoon, and this new technology should be demonstrated and promoted.
