
农学学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 1-7.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas2023-0287

• 农艺农学 生理生化 •    下一篇


杨进成1(), 胡新州1, 陶春红2, 李艳兰1, 普加富3, 安建南4, 柏跃才3, 毛冬梅5, 刘坚坚1, 杨红运6, 李祥1, 郭世明2, 安正云1, 史兰芬3()   

  1. 1 玉溪市农业科学院,云南玉溪 653100
    2 峨山县农业综合服务中心,云南峨山 653200
    3 峨山县塔甸镇农业农村综合服务中心,云南峨山 653200
    4 玉溪市烟草公司峨山县分公司,云南峨山 653200
    5 峨山县富良棚乡农业农村综合服务中心,云南峨山 653200
    6 玉溪市重点产业服务中心,云南峨山 653100
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-16 修回日期:2024-03-27 出版日期:2025-02-20 发布日期:2025-02-18
  • 通讯作者:
  • 作者简介:

    杨进成,男,1967年出生,云南澄江市人,研究员,硕士,主要从事油菜育种及栽培研究工作。通信地址:653100 云南省玉溪市红塔大道18号,Tel:0877-2778365,E-mail:

  • 基金资助:
    云南省创新引导与科技型企业培育计划“通海县蔬菜产业科技特派团”(202204BI090023); 云南省烟草公司玉溪分公司科技计划项目“峨山县烟油协同绿色增效关键技术研究与示范”(yxyc2023027)

Effects of Different Sowing Date, Planting Density and N Amount on Agronomic Traits and Yield Benefits of Mountain Vegetable Rapeseed

YANG Jincheng1(), HU Xinzhou1, TAO Chunhong2, LI Yanlan1, PU Jiafu3, AN Jiannan4, BO Yuecai3, MAO Dongmei5, LIU Jianjian1, YANG Hongyun6, LI Xiang1, GUO Shiming2, AN Zhengyun1, SHI Lanfen3()   

  1. 1 Yuxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Yuxi Yunnan 653100
    2 Eshan County Agricultural Comprehensive Service Center, Eshan Yunnan 653200
    3 Tadian Town Agriculture and Rural Comprehensive Service Center, Eshan Yunnan 653200
    4 Yuxi Tobacco Company of Eshan Branch, Eshan Yunnan 653200
    5 Fuliangpeng Town Agriculture and Rural Comprehensive Service Center, Eshan Yunnan 653200
    6 Yuxi Key Industry Service Center, Eshan Yunnan 653100
  • Received:2023-12-16 Revised:2024-03-27 Online:2025-02-20 Published:2025-02-18


为选出最优的山地菜苔油菜的播期、密度和施N量的处理组合,以品种‘狮山菜苔’为参试油菜品种,连续3 a在玉溪市峨山县塔甸镇开展试验,采用逐步回归和灰色关联度等分析方法,对2019—2021年同一海拔试点9个栽培因子组合的山地菜苔油菜农艺性状和产量效益进行对比分析。结果表明:随着菜苔油菜播期的延后,株高、单株鲜饲草重、单株鲜苔重、实收鲜苔重4个性状均呈现出下降的趋势,而延长生育期、增加单株鲜生物量和单株鲜苔产量有利于菜苔产量提高;不同年度9个组合处理之间可用作鲜饲草的生物产量都有不同程度的差异;不同组合处理山地油菜菜苔产量与主要农艺因子的关联度差异较大;不同年度9个处理组合之间的菜苔产量都有不同程度的差异,播期和密度3个水平之间菜苔产量分别达极显著和显著差异,而施N量3个水平之间无显著差异;山地菜苔油菜产值效益因不同处理组合而有不同程度的差异,随着播期的后移产值效益呈现出锐减的趋势。研究发现,高海拔山区山地菜苔油菜最优的播期、密度和施N量组合是播期10月20日+栽培密度7.5×104~10.5×104株/hm2+5叶期施N量172.5~207.0 kg/hm2,这种栽培技术可以在高海拔山区进行推广应用。

关键词: 山地菜苔油菜, 播期, 密度, 施N量, 逐步回归和灰色关联度分析, 农艺性状, 产量效益


In order to comprehensively evaluate and recommend the optimal treatment combination of sowing date, planting density and fertilizer amount for mountain vegetable rapeseed in high altitude mountainous areas, stepwise regression and grey correlation analysis methods was used, the agronomic traits and yield benefits of mountain vegetable rapeseed with 9 cultivation factor combinations at the same altitude in Yuxi from 2019 to 2021 were compared and analyzed. The results showed that, (1) with the delay of sowing date, plant height, fresh forage weight per plant, fresh moss weight per plant and harvested fresh moss weight showed a downward trend, and prolonging growth period, increasing fresh biomass per plant and fresh moss yield per plant were beneficial to the increase of moss yield; (2) the biological yield of fresh forage was different in different years among 9 combined treatments; (3) the correlation degree between the yield of rapeseed and the main agronomic factors of different combined treatments was very different; (4) there were different degrees of differences in the yields of the 9 treatment combinations in different years, and the yields of the 3 levels of sowing date and density were extremely significant and significant differences, respectively, while there was no significant difference between the 3 levels of N application amount; (5) the output value of mountain vegetable rapeseed varied to different degrees due to different treatment combinations, and the output value showed a sharp decline trend with the delay of sowing date. It was recommended that the optimal combination of sowing date, planting density and N amount of mountain vegetable rapeseed in high altitude mountainous area was sowing date on October 20 + planting density of 7.5×104-10.5×104 plants/hm2 + 5 leaf stage N amount of 172.5-207.0 kg/hm2.

Key words: mountain vegetable rapeseed, sowing date, planting density, nitrogen fertilizer application, stepwise regression and grey relational analysis, agronomic trait, yield benefit