
农学学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (6): 59-64.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.cjas15010019

所属专题: 小麦

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  1. 南充市植保植检站
  • 收稿日期:2015-01-13 修回日期:2015-02-12 接受日期:2015-02-25 出版日期:2015-07-29 发布日期:2015-07-29
  • 通讯作者: 彭昌家 E-mail:ncpcj@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Study the Comprehensive Prevention and Control Technology of Wheat Stripe Rust in Nanchong Area(1Plant protection and plant quarantine station of Nanchong city, the Sichuan Nanchong, 637000;

  • Received:2015-01-13 Revised:2015-02-12 Accepted:2015-02-25 Online:2015-07-29 Published:2015-07-29

摘要: 为了控制条锈病为害,减少农药污染、防治成本和菌源传出数量,确保本地、邻近麦区与中国东部主产麦区生产安全和可持续发展。通过采用田间系统监测和普查、小麦品种抗性鉴定、条锈菌生理小种监测、试验示范和气象资料分析等方法,开展了小麦条锈病综合防控技术研究。结果表明,各主栽小麦品种的抗锈性随着种植年限的增加而降低,并逐步淘汰。3~5年更换一次具有不同抗源的主推品种,实现品种合理布局和多抗源品种集团当家,能有效降低条锈病发生为害。首次探明了小麦间作不同作物防治小麦条锈病的效果为14.84%~62.89%,推行药剂拌种、健身栽培,可推迟并减轻条锈病发生为害,降低越冬菌源量和春季流行程度;探明了条锈病最佳防治方案为拔节期、孕穗期和抽穗扬花期各施药1次;探明了几种新药剂防治条锈病效果和25%丙环唑防治条锈病的适宜用量(600 mL/hm2 650 mL/hm2)。搞好防治示范片和应急防控,可以显著提高防治效果,并带动大面积防控落实。1999年以来,全市小麦条锈病偏重至大发生频率虽高达81.25%,但通过应用综合防控技术措施,小麦产量实际损失率均控制在2%以下(特大发生的2002年除外),同时减少农药使用量3125t。

关键词: 气候变化, 气候变化, 农业, 湘西

Abstract: In order to controlling the epidemic of stripe rust, reducing the cost and pollution of pesticide, suppressing the spread amount of inoculum source, and ensuring safe production and sustainable development of wheat producing areas, comprehensive prevention technology research of wheat stripe rust was performed in Nanchong, Sichuan Province. Through systemic monitoring and census in the field, wheat resistance identification, stripe rust physiological race inspection, comprehensive treatment and meteorological data analysis, the results was obtained and indicated that: the stripe rust resistance of major wheat cultivars was reduced year by year with the increasing of planting years, and then been phased out; it can effectively reduce the epidemic of stripe rust by replacing a new wheat cultivar with different resistance sources every 3 – 5 years, and completing rational distribution of wheat cultivars. The results of comprehensive treatment first proved that: the control efficiency of wheat stripe rust by intercropping of wheat and other crops could up to 14.84% – 62.89%; pursue dressing seeds and healthy cultivation could delay and reduce the epidemic of stripe rust, reduce the amount of overwinter inoculum source and spring prevalence; the best controlling proposal is that spraying pesticides thrice in jointing stage, booting stage and flowering stage, respectively; the suitable dosage of 25% propiconazole is 600 mL/hm2 – 650 mL/hm2. Prevention demonstrating and emergency controlling could improve the control effect significantly, and lead to implement the large area controlling. Since 1999, the occurrence frequency of wheat stripe rust in Nanchong as much as 81.25%. However, the actual loss ratio of wheat production were all under 2% by applied the comprehensive prevention technology (except 2002, the stripe rust catastrophic epidemic year), as well as 3,125 t pesticide have be saved.