
农学学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (9): 64-68.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.casb14110052

所属专题: 园艺

• 植物保护 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 陕西省动物研究所,山阳县植保站,陕西省动物研究所,陕西省动物研究所
  • 收稿日期:2014-11-10 修回日期:2015-01-20 接受日期:2015-01-22 出版日期:2015-09-28 发布日期:2015-09-28
  • 通讯作者: 陈川 E-mail:hnchch
  • 基金资助:

Investigation of Pests and Control Technologies of the Major Pests of Juglans regia in Shaanxi

  • Received:2014-11-10 Revised:2015-01-20 Accepted:2015-01-22 Online:2015-09-28 Published:2015-09-28

摘要: 核桃是一类重要的经济植物。通过实地调查及参考相关文献,本文初步记录陕西省核桃害虫71种,同时记述了核桃举肢蛾、核桃小吉丁虫、核桃横沟象、银杏大蚕蛾、云斑天牛等核桃主要害虫的生物学特性及防治技术。

关键词: 光合作用, 光合作用, 光抑制, 作用机理, 研究历程, 防御机制, 影响因素

Abstract: Juglans regia is one of the plants with high economic value. Through the field investigation and reference to the relevant literature, 71 pests of Juglans regia were preliminarily recorded in Shaanxi province in this paper. Also the biological characteristics and control techniques of the major pests were described,such as Atrijuglans hetauhei Yang, Agrilus lewisiellus Kere, Dyscerus juglans Chao, Dictyoploca japonica Moore and Batocera horsfieldi (Hope).