
农学学报 ›› 2012, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (12): 6-11.

所属专题: 小麦

• 农艺科学 作物遗传育种 生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


房清龙 林琪 刘义国 姜雯 李玲燕 赵长星   

  • 收稿日期:2012-09-27 修回日期:2012-10-22 出版日期:2012-12-20 发布日期:2012-12-20
  • 基金资助:


Effects of Conservation Tillage on Diurnal Variation of Photosynthesis in Grain Filling Stage and Yield of Winter Wheat

  • Received:2012-09-27 Revised:2012-10-22 Online:2012-12-20 Published:2012-12-20



关键词: 樱桃番茄, 樱桃番茄, 彩果, 生长发育, 品质, 产量


It was so significant to chose an appropriate conservation tillage to increase the wheat yield, when learning the wheat yield discipline under different conservation tillage in north of China. The Diurnal variation of photosynthesis, yield and so on of ‘Qingmai 6’ was studied under five different conservation tillage in grain filling stage. It showed that, the Intercellular CO2 concentration of tillage without straw (CK) was higher than tillage with straw, while the SPAD, photosynthetic rate and stamata conductance were lower than the tillage with straw which had reached the significant difference. The kernel yield increased by 18.04% and 6.83% under subsoiling treatment, compared with CK and deep tillage treatments. The higher photosynthetic rate increased 1000-grain weight and grain number per spike of subsoiling tillage treatment, so that it got a much higher kernel yield. The phenomenon of photosynthesis lunch break was retarded by tillage with straw and it could preserve the photosynthetic rate of wheat at a high lever to increase the kernel yield. This study had shown that subsoiling tillage treatments was the most appropriate treatment, the result provided a theoretical basis for local conservation tillage research.
