
农学学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (5): 15-17.

所属专题: 植物保护

• 植物保护 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭雅俭 李枫 李娟 李俊   

  • 收稿日期:2013-04-15 修回日期:2013-04-19 出版日期:2013-05-20 发布日期:2013-05-20

Problems and Countermeasures in Detection of Pesticide Residues

  • Received:2013-04-15 Revised:2013-04-19 Online:2013-05-20 Published:2013-05-20

摘要: 为了破解基层农药残留检测机构在日常检测中遇到的检测技术难题,提升基层检测人员的检测技能,从而整体提高商洛市的农药残留检测水平,为广大消费者的农产品消费安全提供保障,笔者通过对商洛市农残检测工作现状分析,探讨了农残检测存在检测技术人员不足、检测技术水平不高、实验室条件差、抽样环节不规范、检测经费无保障5个方面的问题,并从规范抽样、试剂保存、样品对照、样品取样、外部环境等环节提出了相应的对策。

关键词: 黄瓜, 黄瓜, 无土栽培, 适应性

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of detection technology of pesticide residue testing agencies met in daily detection, improve the detection skills of practitioners, enhance the whole Shangluo City pesticide residues detection level, provide the guarantee for the safety of agricultural product consumption of consumers, the author through the analysis on the current situation of pesticide residues detection work in Shangluo City, discussed the detection of pesticide residues in existence personnel detection technology, detection technology level was not high, laboratory conditions, sample links were not standardized, detection of funds without security problems in 5 aspects, and from the standard sampling, reagent, sample preservation control, sample, the external environment and put forward corresponding countermeasures.