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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2013, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (8): 69-74.

Special Issue: 现代农业发展与乡村振兴 数字乡村

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Study on Informatization Construction for Farmers’Cooperatives of Underdeveloped Areas in Fujian


  • Received:2013-05-13 Revised:2013-06-16 Online:2013-08-20 Published:2013-08-20

Abstract: Abstract: To promote informatization construction for the farmers’cooperatives is not only an important measure to enhance the comprehensive ability of the farmers’ cooperatives, but also an important way to accelerate agricultural informatization. After the survey of the present situation of informatization construction for farmers’cooperatives in the underdeveloped areas, the feasibility of informatization construction for farmers’ cooperatives in the underdeveloped areas was described. The underdeveloped areas exist the potential, advantage and opportunity of developing informatization among farmers’cooperatives. Some countermeasures and suggestions were presented and discussed.They include seizing this important opportunity, adopting various effective measures to guide and promote the farmers’ cooperatives to apply information technology spontaneously, building informationized farmers’ cooperatives through structuring the mode of informatization construction for farmers’ cooperatives, structuring website of the farmers’ cooperatives, structuring the integrated information service system of production, processing, sales in farmers’ cooperatives.

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