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  • 2012 Vol.2 No.7 Published:20 July 2012
    The Effect of Straw Return on the Flag Leaf Senescence and Yield in the Dry-land Wheat
    2012, 2 (7):  1-4. 
    Abstract + ( 1320 )   PDF ( 1042KB )   ( 1431 )
    Efects of Diferent Ratios Fertilization on Growth traits and Biomass Yield of Coix Lacryrma-jobi L
    2012, 2 (7):  5-7. 
    Abstract + ( 1387 )   PDF ( 1081KB )   ( 1594 )
    Effects on Yield and Ear Characteristics of Summer Maize in Different Nitrogen Fertilizers
    2012, 2 (7):  8-12. 
    Abstract + ( 1351 )   PDF ( 1401KB )   ( 1397 )
    Effects and Analysis of Increasing Grain Yield Improved by Accurate Fertilization in Rice
    2012, 2 (7):  13-15. 
    Abstract + ( 1357 )  
    Effects of Different Mulching Measures on Soil Moisture and Temperature of Hilly Land and Peanut Growth
    2012, 2 (7):  16-21. 
    Abstract + ( 1348 )   PDF ( 1155KB )   ( 1493 )
    Research Actuality of Paris polyphylla Smith var.Yunnanensis (Franch) Hand.-Mazz.breeding
    2012, 2 (7):  22-24. 
    Abstract + ( 1517 )   PDF ( 1023KB )   ( 2054 )
    Total RNA Extraction and RT-PCR of Walnut Bud
    2012, 2 (7):  25-28. 
    Abstract + ( 1409 )   PDF ( 1501KB )   ( 1371 )
    Impact of Heat-tolerance on the Conidial Germination of Beauveria bassiana
    2012, 2 (7):  29-32. 
    Abstract + ( 1289 )   PDF ( 1114KB )   ( 1391 )
    Study on Adaptability of Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaprorariorum to Host Plants in Shandong Province
    2012, 2 (7):  33-36. 
    Abstract + ( 1426 )   PDF ( 1370KB )   ( 1567 )
    Application and Development Prospect of the Super Absorbent Polymer in Agricultural Production
    2012, 2 (7):  37-42. 
    Abstract + ( 1496 )   PDF ( 1049KB )   ( 1629 )
    The Study of Application Effect on Nitrogenous Fertilizer on Soybean
    2012, 2 (7):  43-45. 
    Abstract + ( 1255 )   PDF ( 1086KB )   ( 1233 )
    Problems and Countermeasures of Biogas Development in Weihui County
    2012, 2 (7):  46-48. 
    Abstract + ( 1512 )   PDF ( 935KB )   ( 1576 )
    Effect of germination and physiological indexes of different wine grapes overwintering under arid condition
    2012, 2 (7):  49-54. 
    Abstract + ( 1348 )   PDF ( 1452KB )   ( 1303 )
    Effects of Zinc on Growth and Activities of Protective Enzymes of Cucumber Seedling Roots
    2012, 2 (7):  55-58. 
    Abstract + ( 1431 )   PDF ( 2125KB )   ( 1126 )
    A Variety Comparison Experiment on Crane Tendril Cultivation of Melon in Plastic Tunnel During Early Spring in Linyi
    2012, 2 (7):  59-62. 
    Abstract + ( 1343 )   PDF ( 1370KB )   ( 1413 )
    Effect of Grafting Cultivation and Nitrogen Application on Yield and Nitrogen Utilization of Cucumber
    2012, 2 (7):  63-65. 
    Abstract + ( 1293 )   PDF ( 1080KB )   ( 1508 )
    The integration of urban and rural foundation in Heilongjiang Province: centralized residence of farmers, land intensive use
    2012, 2 (7):  66-71. 
    Abstract + ( 1345 )   PDF ( 1054KB )   ( 1387 )
    Explore of Science and Technology Specia Correspondent Venture System and Service Model
    2012, 2 (7):  72-78. 
    Abstract + ( 1811 )   PDF ( 1402KB )   ( 1617 )