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  • 2012 Vol.2 No.8 Published:20 August 2012
    Yield and Economic Benefit Analysis on Major Soybean Planting Models in the Sanjiang Plain of Heilongjiang Province
    2012, 2 (8):  1-7. 
    Abstract + ( 1549 )   PDF ( 1142KB )   ( 1513 )
    Research on the Regeneration System Establishment of Windsor Sweet Buckwheat
    2012, 2 (8):  8-12. 
    Abstract + ( 1356 )   PDF ( 1136KB )   ( 1385 )
    Effect of High Carbon Dioxide Treatment on Greening and Glycoalkaloid Content of Potatoes
    2012, 2 (8):  13-16. 
    Abstract + ( 1369 )   PDF ( 1243KB )   ( 1489 )
    Influence of 1-MCP on Endogenous Ethylene and Peach Fruit Suture Softening
    2012, 2 (8):  17-19. 
    Abstract + ( 1455 )   PDF ( 1129KB )   ( 1402 )
    Study on the Interspecific Competition between Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum
    2012, 2 (8):  20-24. 
    Abstract + ( 1483 )   PDF ( 1202KB )   ( 1368 )
    Study of Control Effects of Several Nematicides on Banana Root-knot Nematodes in Field
    2012, 2 (8):  25-27. 
    Abstract + ( 1251 )   PDF ( 1445KB )   ( 1579 )
    Study on the False Smut Resistance of New Rice Combinations (Lines) from the Middle and Lower Yangtze River and Hunan Regional Trials
    2012, 2 (8):  28-32. 
    Abstract + ( 1590 )   PDF ( 1164KB )   ( 1524 )
    Effect of Cereal Cyst Nematode on Agronomic Characteristics and Yield Losses of Spring Wheat
    2012, 2 (8):  33-36. 
    Abstract + ( 1321 )   PDF ( 2627KB )   ( 1300 )
    Study on Law of Fertilizer Demand of Seed Production Corn
    2012, 2 (8):  37-43. 
    Abstract + ( 1323 )   PDF ( 1133KB )   ( 1658 )
    Evaluation of Available Microelement Contents in Tobacco of Baise
    2012, 2 (8):  44-48. 
    Abstract + ( 1443 )   PDF ( 1085KB )   ( 1489 )
    Biological Characteristics of Begonia fimbristipulata Hance.
    2012, 2 (8):  49-52. 
    Abstract + ( 3851 )   PDF ( 1232KB )   ( 4190 )
    Agrocybe chaxingu ‘Ancient tea 2’ New Kinds Matching Cultivation Technology Research
    2012, 2 (8):  53-55. 
    Abstract + ( 1452 )   PDF ( 1118KB )   ( 1613 )
    Research on Regulating and Controlling Roles of Chloride and Zinc Ions to Swine Sperm Calcium Channel and Some Enzyme Activities
    2012, 2 (8):  56-59. 
    Abstract + ( 1380 )   PDF ( 1132KB )   ( 1590 )
    Analysis of Body and Gonad Traits & Nutrient Composition Among F2 Generation of Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius
    2012, 2 (8):  60-67. 
    Abstract + ( 1433 )   PDF ( 1087KB )   ( 1457 )
    Study on Soil Evaporation and Water Utilization Efficiency in Different Irrigation Conditions
    2012, 2 (8):  68-73. 
    Abstract + ( 1418 )   PDF ( 1493KB )   ( 1483 )
    The Problems and Countermeasures of the Modern Agricultural Development in Dongcun Township, Fenyi, Jiangxi Province
    2012, 2 (8):  74-78. 
    Abstract + ( 1412 )   PDF ( 1126KB )   ( 1489 )