
农学学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (3): 55-63.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas19030008

所属专题: 资源与环境

• 林学 园艺 园林 食用菌 • 上一篇    下一篇


和建平(), 李燕, 王宇萍, 黄杏娥, 和文佳, 和加卫()   

  1. 云南省农业科学院高山经济植物研究所,云南丽江 674199
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-07 修回日期:2019-08-08 出版日期:2020-03-30 发布日期:2020-03-29
  • 基金资助:

Germplasm Resources of Prinsepia utilis Royle in Lijiang

Jianping He(), Yan Li, Yuping Wang, Xing’e Huang, Wenjia He, Jiawei He()   

  1. Institute of Alpine Economic Plant, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lijiang 674199, Yunnan, China
  • Received:2019-03-07 Revised:2019-08-08 Online:2020-03-30 Published:2020-03-29


为探讨青刺果资源的分布现状和多样性,笔者收集丽江市境内12个乡镇及玉龙雪山风景区内121份青刺果资源,并对此进行调查和评价。结果表明:丽江青刺果集中分布在2000~3200 m海拔区域,在海拔1800 m以上的区域都有分布。青刺果花期在11月—次年3月,果期在4—7月;青刺果有耐寒、耐旱、耐贫瘠的特点。丽江目前野生青刺果面积为3400 hm 2,人工栽培面积为6800 hm 2。不同海拔、地域的青刺果在物候期、种子大小、百粒重等方面有明显的差异。种子性状分析表明,丽江青刺果有着丰富的表型性状多样性;最大和最小的种子,在纵、横、侧三径上长度相差都在2倍左右;种子最重单粒重为0.408 g,最轻的为0.056 g,相差7.3倍;103份资源的百粒重在10~20 g之间;种子的饱满度在30%~100%之间,有5份资源饱满度为100%。本调查结果将为青刺果遗传多样性研究和育种利用提供参考。

关键词: 青刺果, 资源调查, 植物学特性, 性状, 多样性, 丽江


To discuss the distribution and diversity of Prinsepia utilis Royle resources, we investigated and evaluated 121 samples of Prinsepia utilis Royle resources collected from 12 townships and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Scenic Area. The results show that: Prinsepia utilis Royle mainly distributes at the altitude from 2000-3200 m, and could be found above 1800 m in Lijiang; the flowering period is from November to March of the next year, and the fruiting period is from April to July; the Prinsepia utilis Royle has the characteristics of cold tolerance, drought tolerance and could adapt to poor nutrients environment; at present, the area of wild Prinsepia utilis Royle in Lijiang is 3400 hm 2, and the area of artificial cultivation is 6800 hm 2; there are significant differences in phenological period, seed size and 100-seed weight among different altitudes and regions. The analysis of seed traits show that: there are abundant diversity of phenotypic traits in Lijiang; the lengths of the largest and smallest seeds differ about two times in vertical, horizontal and lateral diameters; the heaviest single seed weight is 0.408 g, the lightest is 0.056 g, and the difference is 7.3 times; the 100-grain weight of 103 resources ranges from 10 to 20 g; the seed plumpness ranges from 30% to 100%, among them, the seed plumpness of 5 resources is 100%. The results of this survey provide a reference for genetic diversity research and breeding of Prinsepia utilis Royle .

Key words: Prinsepia utilis Royle, Resources Investigation, Botanical Characteristics, Character, Diversity, Lijiang
