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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2018, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (7): -.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas18020007


Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration from Young Leaf Segments of Sorghum bicolor


  • Received:2018-02-13 Revised:2018-03-19 Accepted:2018-04-04 Online:2018-07-20 Published:2018-07-20

Abstract: To establish a sorghum tissue culture system with young leaf segments as explants, eight sorghum restorer lines commonly used in breeding are selected, and young leaf segments are used as explants for callus induction and plant regeneration. The effect of 2,4-D concentration on primary callus induction is studied. The callus induction and differentiation frequency are recorded, and the callus morphology is also observed. The results showed that 2,4-D was the key factor inducing callus of young leaves. No callus could be produced in medium without 2,4-D. The suitable 2,4-D concentration was 2 mg/L. Genotype had a significant effect on callus quality and morphology, and the callus induction and differentiation rate of these eight genotypes were very different. Three genotypes,‘Sanchisan’,‘R111’and‘8643 bian’, were selected after screening for their performance of higher callus induction rate, excellent morphology and higher differentiation rate.

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