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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2019, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (3): 79-88.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas18110021

Special Issue: 现代农业发展与乡村振兴 农业地理

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Sustainable Development of Agriculture: Research and Practice


  • Received:2018-11-19 Revised:2019-01-10 Accepted:2019-01-25 Online:2019-03-20 Published:2019-03-20

Abstract: Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. The agricultural development ways and whether they are sustainable affect not only the agricultural development itself, but also the development of the entire national economy and other relevant industries. Therefore, all the developed and developing countries attach great importance to the sustainable development of agriculture. Western developed countries proposed the concept of“Sustainable Agricultural Development”in the mid-1980s, while China officially launched the concept of“Sustainable Agricultural Development”in the early and mid-1990s. This article highlighted the research progress of agricultural sustainable development at home and abroad from four aspects: research process, research contents, research results and research characteristics. It also discussed the sustainable development of agriculture from three aspects: planning, demonstration and practical results. In addition, current problems of domestic and foreign agricultural sustainable development were pointed out based on the research and practice. Finally the trend of the agricultural sustainable development in the future was proposed: more in-depth research and wider practice.

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