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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2016, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (9): 1-7.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas16040002

Special Issue: 小麦

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Water Saving, High Yield, Wide Adaptability of‘Yaomai16’and Its Breeding Methods


  • Received:2016-04-04 Revised:2016-05-17 Accepted:2016-05-25 Online:2016-09-29 Published:2016-09-29

Abstract: In order to breed new wheat varieties and enrich the breeding theory, the authors analyzed high yield, stable yield, wide adaptability, cold resistance, water saving, excellent quality and wheat midge resistance of wheat variety‘Yaomai16’. The data from the national winter wheat test of the northern part of the Huanghuai region and production experiments were analyzed. At the same time, the yield factors, water saving cultivation, resistance to insects and cold, grain chemistry and other methods were identified. The results showed that,‘Yaomai16’had high and stable yield, which was 5.73%-11.07% higher than that of the control cultivar‘Shi 4185’, and the increased yield point was 85.7%-100.0%. Three yield factors were coordinated, of which the spike number was 543.0×104/hm2-862.5×104/hm2, spikes per ear were about 36, and 1000-grain weight was 40 g.‘Yaomai16’had high panicle number, developed root system, luxuriant growth. The heat resistance of the functional leaf during the later grouting was strong, and leaf senescence was slow.‘Yaomai16’ was a new variety with high yield which was adaptable to both flood and fertile drought soil. It was characterized with vitreous grain, medium strong gluten strength, and excellent flour quality, and was suitable for making Chinese noodles and steamed bread.‘Yaomai16’had resistance to wheat midge, cold and heat, and was a new wheat variety with spike, grain and weight coordinated growth, water saving and high yield.

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