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  • 2012 Vol.2 No.11 Published:20 November 2012
    Trend Analysis of Isoflavone of Soybean Seed during Development
    2012, 2 (11):  1-5. 
    Abstract + ( 1178 )   PDF ( 1103KB )   ( 1442 )
    Cloning of NADH-NR gDNA Full-length Sequence and Enzyme Digestion
    2012, 2 (11):  6-11. 
    Abstract + ( 1218 )   PDF ( 2163KB )   ( 980 )
    Studies on the Influence on Seed Germination Characteristics of a Vicious Weed Species, Giant Foxtail by the Environmental Factors
    2012, 2 (11):  12-16. 
    Abstract + ( 1216 )   PDF ( 1158KB )   ( 1214 )
    Variation of Chloroplast Pigments of Acer ginnala Along Elevation Gradients in Qiliyu, Shanxi
    2012, 2 (11):  17-20. 
    Abstract + ( 1124 )   PDF ( 1053KB )   ( 1284 )
    Canopy Water Use Efficiency on a Coarse-Sand-Field, No-Tillage Peach Orchard in North China
    2012, 2 (11):  21-28. 
    Abstract + ( 1185 )   PDF ( 1765KB )   ( 1313 )
    Effects of Different Nursery Substrate on Seedling Quality of Watermelon
    2012, 2 (11):  29-32. 
    Abstract + ( 1209 )   PDF ( 1385KB )   ( 1402 )
    IInfluence of PCPA on Physiological Indicators of Leaves and Fruit Quality on Muskmelon in Protected Field
    2012, 2 (11):  33-36. 
    Abstract + ( 1380 )   PDF ( 1377KB )   ( 1277 )
    Influence of 6-BA, IBA and NAA on Sub-proliferation of Mulberry Tissue Culture
    2012, 2 (11):  37-39. 
    Abstract + ( 1210 )   PDF ( 1111KB )   ( 1553 )
    The Effect on Yield of ‘Jiaxiangximao Chinese Yam’ in Different Cultivation Measures
    2012, 2 (11):  40-43. 
    Abstract + ( 1200 )   PDF ( 1393KB )   ( 1344 )
    A Comprehensive Evaluation of Cold-tolerance of Four Evergreen Broad-leaved Greening Species in Tai’an
    2012, 2 (11):  44-47. 
    Abstract + ( 1327 )   PDF ( 1164KB )   ( 1338 )
    Determination of Trace Clenbuterol Residue in Swine Urine by LC-MS/MS with Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction using Molecular Imprinted Polymer as Adsorbent
    2012, 2 (11):  48-51. 
    Abstract + ( 1313 )   PDF ( 1271KB )   ( 1753 )
    Effects of Different Level of Dietary Cd on Antioxidant Capacity of Hepatopancreas to Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
    2012, 2 (11):  52-56. 
    Abstract + ( 1175 )   PDF ( 1630KB )   ( 1415 )
    Research for Agriculture Information Customization Service under Modern Agricultural Environment
    2012, 2 (11):  57-58. 
    Abstract + ( 1246 )   PDF ( 880KB )   ( 1308 )
    Analysis on Spatial Pattern of Grain Production and Difference Among Cities in Jiangxi Province
    2012, 2 (11):  59-67. 
    Abstract + ( 1273 )   PDF ( 1673KB )   ( 1477 )
    Research on the Rural Human Resources Development Based on the Platform of Imbark Park of Taiwan Farmers
    2012, 2 (11):  68-71. 
    Abstract + ( 9393 )   PDF ( 1091KB )   ( 2623 )
    Thought of New Farmers of Scientific Outlook on Development in the Perspective
    2012, 2 (11):  72-78. 
    Abstract + ( 1190 )   PDF ( 1269KB )   ( 1441 )